32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (2024)

21. Chicken Ranch Wraps

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (1)

We are big wrap people around my house. Wraps usually have fewer carbs in them than typical sandwich bread.

Plus, the wrap makes the meal feel a little lighter. So why not enjoy a chicken ranch wrap as a quick lunch or dinner?

Try this canned chicken recipe

22. Creamy Chicken Noodles

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (2)

This was another meal that my mother-in-law made a lot with canned chicken. She would also sub out canned tuna and make tuna noodles as well with a recipe similar to this one.

So if you love the comfort of creamy noodles with chicken, and you want it fast, then consider using this recipe and adding some canned chicken.

Try this canned chicken recipe

23. One Pot Tomato Tortellini Soup

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (3)

This is another comforting tomato soup that would be great at warming you up from the inside out this winter.

However, this is also a great recipe to utilize canned chicken because it is added protein and not the main focus of the dish.

Try this canned chicken recipe

24. Cast Iron Skillet Chicken Pot Pie

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (4)

This recipe is great for a southern comfort dish. You make a chicken casserole filling in a cast iron skillet.

Then you top the mixture with canned biscuits for the crust. This meal seems pretty snappy to make as it is, but you could shave off even more time by adding canned chicken.

Try this canned chicken recipe

25. Chicken Pot Pie Turnovers

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (5)

I love this recipe because I love homemade food that is portable. Are you rushing out the door to a ball game practice?

Well, no worries. Take this little pocket with you, and make it even faster by using canned chicken in the filling.

Try this canned chicken recipe

26. Easy Chicken Paella

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (6)

This dish looks delicious and is a perfect match for canned chicken. I say that because the recipe calls for boneless chicken breast that is cut up into bite sized pieces. Hello? Is that not exactly what canned chicken already is?

So pull those cans of chicken out and mix them with all of the delicious spices and vegetables so you can have a delicious meal in no time flat.

Try this canned chicken recipe

27. Ranch Chicken Cheese Dip

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (7)

This recipe literally already uses canned chicken. So you don’t have to think outside of the box to make it work. Just follow the recipe.

But it also contains delicious ranch flavoring and cream cheese too. That way you can spread it on a cracker and have a great snack.

Try this canned chicken recipe

28. Mini Chicken Pot Pies

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (8)

I’m a fan of this recipe too because it is a quick way to get a warm meal in your family while they are on the run.

So you can make this dish with canned chicken, biscuits, and canned veggies too. Then pack them in a travel container and eat something good on the way out of the door.

Try this canned chicken recipe

29. Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (9)

This is another great dish that is quick to make, and you can use canned chicken. You just need to douse the canned chicken with hot sauce.

Then fill the wrap with your buffalo chicken mixture. Finally, you cook it and enjoy it. It is quick to throw together and great to eat on the run or in a hurry too.

Try this canned chicken recipe

30. 8 Can Mexican Chicken Soup

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (10)

This is another recipe that literally calls for canned chicken. Again, there is no having to figure out how to substitute. You just follow the recipe.

Plus, this soup is meant to be one that can be thrown together in a hurry, as almost everything is from a can in the recipe.

Try this canned chicken recipe

31. Chicken Cakes

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (11)

You are going to make a chicken mixture that gets breaded so it turns into a delicious little chicken cake.

Then you make a tasty sauce to go over the top of it. It reminds me a lot of a crab cake only with chicken. So it would be a great recipe to mix canned chicken with instead of freshly cooked chicken.

Try this canned chicken recipe

32. Seven Can Chicken Taco Soup

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (12)

This soup recipe is another one that calls for canned chicken. Everything in the ingredients list is pretty much from a can.

So it is meant to be a quick soup that you can whip together on a cold day. But it looks really filling too.

Try this canned chicken recipe

So you now have over 30 recipes that canned chicken would fit very well into each recipe. Hopefully, this will save you time and also help you to utilize some of those cans of chicken that are hiding out in your pantry.

But I’m curious, how do you use your canned chicken? Do you like canned chicken, or are you particular (like me?)

We love hearing from you so please leave us your comments in the space provided below.

32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (13)

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32 Canned Chicken Recipes for Delicious Meals You'll Use Time and Again - Page 2 of 2 (2024)


Should you rinse canned chicken? ›

For instance, one common mistake is not draining or rinsing the chicken before use, which can result in a more processed taste.

Why does canned chicken not go bad? ›

This longevity is due to the canning process, which seals the chicken in an airtight environment, slowing down the deterioration process considerably. Food safety is paramount when it comes to consuming any canned goods, including chicken. Once opened, canned chicken should be treated like any other perishable food.

How to make can chicken taste good? ›

15 Ways To Elevate Canned Chicken
  1. Pair It With Textured Ingredients In Chicken Salad. ...
  2. Smother It With Cheese And Seasonings For A Perfect Dip. ...
  3. Fry It To Give It Extra Texture. ...
  4. Mix It With Other Fillings For A Flavorful Chicken Pot Pie. ...
  5. Pair It With Fresh Herbs. ...
  6. Make A High-Protein Pizza Crust.
Jan 9, 2024

Is it safe to eat canned chicken out of the can? ›

Canned chicken is typically cooked and preserved using high temperatures during the canning process, which helps to kill bacteria and pathogens, ensuring it's safe for consumption.

Does canned chicken taste like normal chicken? ›

The canning process tends to take away a lot of the original flavor and some of the firmness of the chicken.

Can you eat 2 year old canned chicken? ›

According to the USDA, shelf-stable foods are safe to eat indefinitely and you can eat them well past their expiration date.

Why is canned chicken so pink? ›

Information. Chemical changes occur during cooking. Oven gases in a heated gas or electric oven react chemically with hemoglobin in the meat tissues to give it a pink tinge.

How can you tell if canned chicken is good? ›

Discard any cans that are dented, rusted or leaking, along with any cans that contain black or brown contents. Storage: Keep canned goods stored in a clean, dry area, where the temperature is kept at or below 75 degrees F. Store unopened 2-5 years. Cans generally have a “best by” rather than an “expiration date.”

What to use canned chicken for? ›

31 Easy and Delicious Canned Chicken Recipes
  1. Buffalo chicken dip. Serve this easy-to-make buffalo chicken dip for any occasion. ...
  2. Chicken pot pie. ...
  3. Chicken alfredo. ...
  4. Chicken noodle soup. ...
  5. Chicken enchiladas. ...
  6. Chicken tortilla soup. ...
  7. Chicken and rice bowls. ...
  8. Chicken curry.

How do you eat chicken in a can? ›

You can definitely eat your canned chicken plain, but if you want to make it a bit more appealing, add some salt and pepper to the can, and maybe even sprinkle on some furikake or a few drops of your favorite hot sauce. Enjoy it with a fork, or spoon it into your mouth using chips or crackers.

Can you saute canned chicken? ›

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Start by heating a non-stick skillet or frying pan over medium heat. ...
  2. Open the canned chicken and drain the liquid. ...
  3. Add the canned chicken to the heated pan. ...
  4. Cook the chicken for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking. ...
  5. Season the chicken with your desired spices.
May 10, 2024

Should you rinse canned foods? ›

Introducing those ingredients—particularly in unknown amounts—to your recipe will throw off all your other seasonings and could very easily water your recipe down." Chef Smith agrees: "Rinsing the vegetables helps to reduce the sodium and makes it easier to balance the salt in a dish."

Can you rinse canned meat? ›

Canned meats are high in salt. When used in recipes, usually add less salt than the recipe says to add. You can also rinse the meat in a strainer to remove excess salt.

Can I rinse canned chicken to remove sodium? ›

Rinse canned foods.

Draining the liquid, then rinsing them can eliminate up to 40 percent of the sodium in some cases.

Should I rinse store bought chicken? ›

Salmonella, Campylobacter and other harmful bacteria live on raw chicken. Washing or rinsing doesn't remove this risk, it worsens it by helping the bacteria spread. When you add water through washing or rinsing, you give these bacteria a way to travel throughout your kitchen.


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.