Commercial from Bangor, Maine (2024)


day for tiro weeks. Rub and bathe the bag In glycerine, three ounces: duid tract of belladonna, lone ounce, three times day. Milk very dry and do nut use the milk during treatment. TREATMENT TO BE FOLLOWED. Veterinary Editor of the Commercial: bad a pig that was taken with spells of going around and around when he would come up to eat; and sometimes be would bare spella of choking and then be would chew as if he was chewing something that would make a kind of froth.

When I killed him he WAS full of which 1. to you.l you of please let mo know what wit the cause them and what to do in CARE I should ever have another one taken that let me know through the Commerclal Farmer and Villager. We thought. It was blind staggers, bat found these worms, which I send to you (being about- one-balf of thein) that were in the swall lutestines. J.

0. Penobscot County. Answer: The worms come from the food they eat. Most all animals have more or less. This pig had many which disarranged his digestive organs causing cerebral or brain complications.

A good physic of castor oil preceded by 40 grains of santonin and 30 grains of areca nut would have driven a great many of them away. Two doses would have cured him. FOR DISEASED SKIN. Veterinary Editor of the Commercial: I have a steer that is two years old this spring. be came ito the barn last fall noticed he had bad bumor and when turned out would rub a great deal.

principally his neck and On these parts the akin seems dry, atti and scaly. have used culpbur grease. Lo large quantities to no effect. Please inform me through your veterinary column what the trouble is and what to do for him and obligs, A Reader. Somerset County.

Answer: the parts with creolin solution, one part to 50 parts of water: Then apply mercurial ointment, two drachms; Toil tar, two drachins; sperm and sulphur, cach, two ounces. Mix well together. Also give internally Fowler's solution in hair ounce doses twice day for three weeks. Use the ointment morning and night. A PRESCRIPTION Veterinary Editor of the Commercial; I' hare a cow fire years old that dropped calf one week ago and lobe.

barinot done well. Her afterbirth bas -not come from her, it ought to hare done. She eats well but the desh seems to run on of her. Hoping to bear from you in your next issue, yours respectfully, Subscriber. Answer: Have the foetal mnembranes removed at oncel and the cleaned tvith creolin solution, a teaspoonful to a pint of warm water.

Gire her daid extract of nux vomica, two ounces; and Auld extract gentian, three ounces, mixed. Give two teaspoonfuls three times a day in half a pint of water; 13 'PROBABLY GARGET. Teterinary Editor of the Commercial: wIll you please answer through the Commercial Farmer and what causes milk when lit sours to settle In the pan and de hard to get on if you turn warm water on it It la. like curd and hard to remore from the dish cloth. It settles and seems sitmy in the bottom of the pan.

If you think it la garget caused it, what aball I rive the cow? noticel you recommend quinine in drachma doses. Would that be a tablespoonful and how many doses would be would require phyale? Please answer and oblige, A Subscriber. Hancock County. Answer: About al tablespoonful of quinine would be dram and this is to be given every four hours for two days; then three times a day for two days. Rub the bat in.

glycerine, three ounces; Auld extract of: belladonna, one ounce; mixed, morning and night; and be sure to remore all milk at each milking. We think you hare garget to deal with, 1 TREATMENT RECOMMENDED. 38 Veterinary Editor of the Commercial Will you please answer in your next num! ber: I have al grade Jersey cow which birth to her third calf about three weeks ago. She went dry three and one months, which was very unusual for her. In January 1 noticed three sores on her left foreleg, which beal over every week.

or ten days and then break, and blood, not matter, now from thein. Her leg is not swollen and she does not walk lame. She has been fat all winter and eats well but gives a very small awount of milk aud is shrinking all the time. She had large. handsome calf and, bas very large odder.

I Lave been feeding Kure," but It does not seem to do good. Please tell. me what to do for her, and oblige, Subscriber. somerset County. Answer: We think the cow bas impoverished blood and would advise giving her Iron In the form of dried sulphate of iron, three ounces; powdered nux vomica, two ounces; gentian, four mix, and give a tablespoonful of mixture three times a day.

Dress the sores with al solution of creolin and iodoform, dusted ion after cleaning the parts thoroughly. A SUGGESTION FOR CURE. Feterinary Editor of the Commercial: have a four-year-old heifer that gave bloody milk from one tent last year, add sho dropped her calf the second day of April and I. get any from that teat and there la a bard bunch on the end of the teat that will move up as far as the udder. She nice heifer and if there 1a any help for her without drying her off, would like to bare you prescribe through the columns of the Commerclal -Farmer and Villager, and oblige, A Reader: Answer: You will have to dilate the duct with a sound and use a milk tube until the passage 18 thoroughly free from inflammation.

Remote the milk three times a day for a week or two. A PRESCRIPTION. I bare a heifer two years old whieh hecame new April Previous to that Abe had an unusual: large bag full of milk. I milked some out. but not very much, for fear it would cause her to leak her milk.

Her bag. continued to awvell! and. large sack has formed directis forward of her bug, appareutly full of liquid. She ents well. give her fine feed because she has bad it since a calf, and did not think it would hurt her.

I bare bathed her bag lu hot tansy, given her sulphur and saltpotre, but the does not abate, neither does the large sac. Please advise me In the Commercial Farmer and Villager what to do, for I am uneasy about her. A Subscriber. Washington. County.

Answer: Bathe the bag in warm water, then apply morning and night directly after bathing. glycerine, three ounces; fluid extract of belladonna, balf an ounce, and give her internally tincture aconite root, four drams; tincture cinchona, one ounce: spirited of nitro, two ounces: and alcotol to make four ounces. Give two teaspoonfuls of the mixture every four hours. Open. the sac it it bhs fluid in it and wash with creolin a teaspoonful to warm water, one pint.

DIANETES INSIPIDIS. Veterinary Editor. of the Commercial: I bave A horse about 12 years old, that has never been put to work bauling heavy loads-. untti the past winter, as before he has boeu used for driving only. He eats all right; but when working.

he about every hour of bait hour, and sometines, a very little a thine two or three times in the 'half hour, I would like to bare you tell me what the trouble is, and what to do for him. Subscriber. Piscataquis, County. Answer: The horse has diabetes in-' sipidis and you must give him 20 grains of iodine crystals, one of dried sulphate of iron, and half drachma of gentian made into a' pill with glycerine and poss them into the horse's throat over the hick part of tongue three times day. Hare about 30f of them made.

Do not work him during this treatment. Advertise your wants in the Commercial. the easiest, cheapest and quickest way of getting what you want. 30 words for 10c. STEAMBOATS.

RAILROADS Creat Horsos THE PADDOCK Cood Veterinary Stories Dep't Turf office Gossip Chat AND THE STABLE. News Itome Joe Harrille, the well known Maine trainer, and driver, is to train stable at Exeter, track this season. W. W. Estill, Lexington, has sold the bay mare Gentle Annie, dam of Marletta, 2 2:24, to Chas.

D. Bar Harbor. The total number of horses sold at the Chicago yards in 1890 100,000, and the valuation 230,000 Directly, that has always been regarded as a small horse, was recently put under the standard and the spirit level bowed him to be 15.3 hands high. Bingen, 2.06¼ will be raced again, eren though report had it that be would retire till: Henry Titer: looks for record of 2.05 for him this year. D.

Larrabee of Dover has recently, sold to T. Monroe the handsome gray gelding, Ben Wilkes This is -ade of the best young horses to be. found in Piscataquis county. D. E.

of Dover met with great loss last week lu the death of valuable by retused Mambrino Wilkes, which he had offer of $100. Wish the National and the American trotting associations working together it is a pretty, hard matter for. Finger to last very long nowadays without being run down 2 E. Al Olark of Bar Harbor, has bought the bay mare, Miss: Betta Wilkes, 2.21% by. Gambetta, Wilkes, dam Little dem Miss by Abdalish, I second Old Lady (dam of Charley Freil, 2.15% by Captain Walker.

a An adjourned meeting of the board review of the National trotting association will be held at Chicago, May 8. An communications intended for the consideration of the board at this meeting must be forwarded to Secretary W. H. Gocher not later. than April 28.

Fred W. Cook of Presque Isle, for mer owner: of Is 2.27¼ which be purchased of M. T. Pooler of Skowhe gan, his breeder, has mare by. Telephone, 2.38½ which is brown with star and altogether a nice shaped one, clean cut head and neck, with all the deaces: of good She is 115-2 and weighs 1080 pounda.

Beatrice, one of the most noted of brood mares, is dead at the age of 25 years. Her three great sons by Pancoast, 2.21% Patron, 2.14, sire of Ananias, 2.05, Prodi: gal, 2.16, sire of John Nolan, and Patronage, dire of the queen of the turf, Alix, 2.03% are the three greatest sires of speed and genuine race horse qualities ever thrown by one mare mated with one stallion. M. Johnson, of Calais, bas sent two mares to be bred to Bingen, One by Allerton, 2.00¼. dam by Electioneer, and the 'otber by 'Arion, 2.07%.

dam by Director. He has also sent his mare Nahess, by May King, 2.20, dam by Wilkes Boy, to be mated Peter the Great, took a yearling record of 2.14½ in a stake race at Lexington, Ky. John A Eastman, this city, who has bad not a few good ones, has good reason to believe that be has a world heater three rear-old filly by Pembroke, he by Jay Bird, out of the dam dr Lillian Odd Mark. This young miss stande 15-3 and weighs 1020 pounds and solid black with the exception of a little white on the off hind foot. She is well put up and goes at either trot or pace one as fast as the other.

Parris Whitney, of Caribou, has the brown horse Lawrence, now 18 years old. He got a mark of 2.51 as a two year old. 2.80¼ A three old, as a four-year-old and subsequently his present record of a 18 hand horse and has some good stock in that coction. He is bred altorether in Morgan lines, being by Dr. Franklip, formerly 'owned J.

Fairfield, by Gen. Knox, out of a daughter of: Winthrop Morrill, and his dam by Morrill Champion. Uncle Sam pays a liberal price. for his arty equipments, bat insiste on baring only the very best horses of their class. The cavalry horse must be 13.1 to 15.3 hands, of good substance, breedy conformation, and fine action, from fire to seren years old, and weighing 950 to 1,100 pounds.

There in one firm at the anion stock yarda, Chicago, now filing government contract for caralry horses, that: pays from $85 to $125 per head for horses that fill the order. James Golden thinks: 80 much of his four-year-old black illy, by Dexter Prince, dam by Electioneer, for which be refused $8000-last rear, thet he has not yet succeded in Anding a name that he thinks suitable for ber. He has fine companion to. this trotter in three-year-old named Mars Rachel, (by Simmons. dam Florence" 8, 4 two year old record 2.83, br Neither of these trotters is engaged in any rich stakes and Mr.

Golden says he does not. beliere, in them. Henry Titer. recentlyvisited: California, looking for prospects, it was said, but returned home to the Forbes Farm sibly enpty-handed. Last week, bowerer, it: was announced that A.

B. of San Francisco, has sold to Mal colm. Forbes, a three-year-old Ally by Oupid 2:18 son of Sidney dam Galletie, by Stamboul at a reported price of $5,000. Cupid loomed up as last year with the three fast trotters Venus I. Lattis Parks and all bred by Spreckels, This which he has cold said to phenomenal speed at the trot.

Monte Mac, the handsome little gray owned by the well known St. Stephen druggist, Fred Waterson, has been chased by J. McDearmid New Glasgow, N. and left on the Shore Tine for that place on Wednesday. Mr.

Dc Dearmid hotel proprietor and horseman and spent several days lookins over the owned in the St. Croix valley, them all. selecting Monte Monte Mac from among Mac la by Olympus by Almont one of the producer a little a borse record as of ever went to the and which made In race the three Old Orchard will the England fair this year, M. F. Porter, manager of the kite track, baring closed.

arrangementa with the fair management la'st week. More than $20,000 will be expended in building exhibition balls, cattie sheds, stalls, preparing grand stand and putting the track in drst-class con tion. Hotel and other business men on the beach hare come forward and will aid the enterprise with money, and labor. A special effort will be made to get out a large exhibition of farm products. The cattle and horse erbibita will also be made a feature.

The amusementy end in of the the fair; the stage features, will be bands of an experienced man and the best talent obtainable will be secured. Fourteen $1000 purses will be open for horse racing. Six of these have already been decided upon and are for 2.14. 2.19, 2.27, trottera, and 2.11, 2.15, 2.30, pacers. One of the great trotters of the last season in New England was the stallion Greenbrina He began the yeer with record of which be reduced to 2.10% in race which the won.

His great exploit, however, the winning of the $5,000 Narragansett purse for 2.15 trotters at the Providence Grand Circuit, meeting. In this race he beat the favorite, the redoubtable Lord 12 Vincent 2.08%. beside Precision Sure pol 2.10, Lecco 2.00% and a large field of other fast horse, a and trotted the third fourth and fifth heats in 2.11, 2.124 2.14½ He had previously shown his gameness by winning very severe race of seven heats over: the Lewistou half-mile track, during state fair: week, in which he was first, second or third la every beat. owner of that good horse Bayard Wilkes C. P.

Drake of Lewiston, the former 2.11¼; unfortunate death was great loss to. the Maine breeding interests, and also the owner of a Glenarm the one time champion Maine stallion, is again in the breeding business and has secured the bay horse Phillip 2.25¼ by: Wilkes 8571, one of the best sons: of the great Aleyone: dam was by that good brood-mare sire, Humbletonian- Knox 2.28; 2d dam by the Richardson Horne, Morgan horse. and 3d dam a br Gideon. Knox, 2.20¼, Hambletonian believed Knox by was: many by to be the best son of Gen. Knox 140, his dam was by Gideon, no that it will be seen that Phillip is inbred to that horse.

Individually, is a fine horse, with size, substance and fulsh. He stands 16 hands high, is nice bay, with an elegant mane and tall, and is a as well as fast trotter. He was bred and is owned; by E. H. Greeley, the well known horseman and of Ellsworth.

An Old-Time Race. In the American Horse Breeder Sport" of Worcester indulges in the fol- MARVELOUS SPEED. LA (American 8portaman.) lowing reminiscence: "In the sear 1858, there appeared in Worcester a strawberry roan horse, which was brought here from the state of Maine. He was named. Benecia Boy, was owned by an: old gentlemen named Houghton.

This man was a sphinx. The horse was certainly very fast, but just how fast no one "knew. Mr. Houghton' son, Dana (now known as S. D.

Houghton of Paddy. D. fame) drove the horse. In those days o'd Tom Hyer was the champion, aud he bad only been downed by the colt India Rubber. Many argued that it was not much to the colt's credit to beat Tom Hyer, as the latter was then 18 years old.

India Rubber had died in the fall and old Tom Eyer beld' undis. puted sway. Tom Hyer was entered In of no account. The celebrated driver, the annual cattle show races, as was also. the unknown horse Benecia Boy.

wad third horse in the race, but he was with their money to back old Tom, There Blackstone valley. was on hand. Bob Poole, appeared behind Tom Hyer, and Dana Houghton, mere boy, drove Benecia 'Boy. Much to the surprise of everybody Benecia Boy won the first beat and then the next. Poole was a desperate driver, and appeared for the third heat with blood in his eye.

They started off, and when on the back side Poole ran Into, Houghton, forced him against the fence and threw bin out on to the shafts of the sulky. Houghton, with rare presence of mind, regained his seat and sent Bevecia Boy on at a tremendous gait. In the stretch he parsed Poole, winning ed in many races nitter that, and at the heat and race. Benecia Boy appearburg beat Empress, fastest mare in New England, by an They had started for the first heat when Empress stuck her toot through another sulky just getting the word, balked and was You will observe that there are thirty entries at Detroit In the 2.09 pace. And what a tale of speed evolution is involted in this statement.

Just think of it; thirty 2.00 pacers entered at one point. Look back for only ton years, and how many 2.09 pacers did the country bold? Only: two -Johnson 2.06¼ and Roy Wilkes 2.08¼. F. And now. we bare in the race record of 1809 alone, 01 pacers that won bents in 2.09 or better, and no less than 334 beats wire paced better than 2.10.

We can scarcely appreciate that this marvelous speed development has occurred in ten years, or the life of a horse. Among the trotters the progress bay been just as rapid. In 1800 Palo Alto held the fastest race record, 2.13. Oply Mand 8., 2.08¾ had beaten 2.10 in a trial milA and Jay-Esegee has equalled it. At Detroit that year in the Grand Circuit the best time made by trotter was.

2.13½ in the second beat by Palo Alto in a match race for $5,000 won by Jack, and the fastest pacing beat was 2.14¼. won by Cricket. A week later, in Cleveland, the fastest heat, trotting, was 2.14%. by Harry Wilkes ngainet time. The fastest Veterinary Column.

Cambridge, such you describe is not lacurable. Use Elixir. Line Horumen, Elgin, There is only one sure way of escaping Apply Elixir, and it will remata on the part F. S. Richmond, If you had a case of colic that will not cure, it will ea.

title you to the reward offered by Dr. Tuttle. S. Davis, M.D., Alton, N. writes: To it may concern This certifies that on the twentieth day of Jandary, 18ga, ran with Witching post her knees: badly that she was pronounced worthless by several horse doctors; 1 tried various remedies for six weeks and she grew I at length used Twild's Blisir, and to three weeks from the time commenced to 040 it I had bar on the road wady for work, The knees sealed so nicely that it is to And the Tuttle's Elixir claim for It, will refund w1 care forms of colic, sprains, cockle Jaiats, to as for fall particalara, Samples for pacing beats were 2.11½ Adonis la the free-for-all, won be fal Pointer, and 2.11½ by Dallas in the 2.17 pace, won by Cricket.

Now we Hate The Abbott. 2.00%. with 25 heata trotted better than 2.10, in 1809, with ap average cluse to 2.08 and 25 other trotters, all with racing heats in 2.10 or better: Unless we stop and think, we tall to appreciate the marvelous speed devclopment of the past decade. many seconda of that quickness are due to the evolution of the trotter, and how inuch to the evolution of the bike with the wind tire and ballbearing axles, are questions wortby of a most profound discussion. The New Year Book.

(The Horse Review. Chicago,) The long expected Year Book for 1899 reached our desk ou Monday, 9th inst. We bare not time, at this writing, to discuss it critically and can only say that mere bastyl examination at once makes it apparent that it is the best Year Book since the parent volume, of 1892. We must, however, take notice of two most noticeable facts which it verifies. The first: Nutwood bas passed Elec tioneer in the great race for the position of leading sire of standard performers.

The official figures for Nutwood now are 128 trotters and 32 pacers -total 100. Of these 10-5 trotters and 5: pacers--are new performers. Electioneer's total la 157 trotters, 2 pacers, of which 2 trotters entered the 2:30 list last year. It has been apparent for sortie time that Nutwood would ultimately surely displace Electioneer 'es the leading sire, but. the best unofficial figures for last season gave him but six new performers, leaving him still second.

He is now, by the records, first. It is a great honor and rounds out the surpassing greatness of add of Belmont and Miss Russell to the full. The second: The Year Book of 1898 showed a total of 14,044 standard trotters to the close br that year. The new Year Book shows A total of 15,827 to Jan. 1, 1000, making the gain of 1890, 883.

The standard pacers to the close of 1808 numbered They now totalize: at 6,941, showing gala of 847 in 1809. The dreaded flux of pacers de not of such tidal proportions as in 1808 when the 'new 2.80 trotters pumbered but 853 while the new 2.26 pacers numbered 883. Thus the trotters gained a trifle last year and the pacers There is do cause for immediate panic among the trotting enthuciasts VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. Condacted by Dwinal, THIS WILL CORE HER. Veterinary Editor of the Commercial: I have.a mare eight years old that began last summer to hare small.

blotches break. out on her, and the hair came off in little places; especially on her neck and shoulders. Hair full of looks dirty all the time. Good a feeder and feels fairly well. she also coughs, usually two or three tines when I first start out from the stable; but never in the stable or after a little driving.

Please advise me. and oblige, L. B. Somerset County. Answer: So tar as the couch concerned there is no trouble, as it is probably dues to: a slights inflamed larynx wbich we think will be well soon.

Give her for the other trouble: halt ounce dosas of Donovan's solution twice day, And upon the blotches apply fodine ointment twice a day after washthem in creolin solution; a teaspoontul to pint of water. SORE LIPS ON HORSE. Veterinary Editor of the Commercial: hare a horse that is In good condition only that his mouth is sore, bis upper lip and lower 'lip are all sores. a They were; probably caused by jerking on thes relas; and his tongue is sore, some of them are old nasty, sores and some are quite fresh. ones.

Would you please let me kuow through the Farmer and Villager what to do for them. bare not used him much, and have fed soft bran mashes. When got him I drove him quite bard Arnt, and when I stopped him bid nostrils were. very large and the inside a was very red and spots of water on It. Do you think it was anything more than the quick drive that caused it Please answer through the Farwer aud Villager, and oblige, M.

Answer: Wash the mouth in powdered borax one ounce to the pint of water: and twice a day ase creolin solution, a teaspoonful to a pint of water. Give him in a bucket of water a halt ounce of Fowler' solution twice a day and do not drive him until he recovers. FOR SICK CALF. Veterinary Editor the Commercial; I bave a calf ten weeks old that I am bringing up by band. He, seems to be well aud hay all right, but cares very little for milk, is pibbling at the boards Around his wind.

pen, and his stomach seems to be full What shall I do for him? Please let me know through the Commercial Farmer and VIllager. Subscriber. Somerset County. Answer: the cait halt a drachn of dilute introsuinatic acid three times day, and feed on good bay and amall pieces of potato if she will eat them. Give the acid Lu two ounces of water.

TROUBLE WITH UDDER. Veterinary Editor of the Commercial: 1 have a heifer that has just dropped her Arst calf. ODe teat has: never. Alled out, and it Impossible to get any milk from alibough that quarter of the udder seen to be as full as the otber part. What can I do.

to: prevent the milk caklog? A Reader. Answer: They may be a stricture in the duct of the teut, it so it can be opened. by passing a small soundtor by teat lance. A. surgeon can open this for you in a short time.

there is none in your vicinity get a small sound of a doctor and pass up the canal or duct and use A teat cathater for a few days to keep the opening cleat. NO SERIOUS TROUBLE. Veterinary Editor of the Commercial: I. hare a row two years old, due to calre in two reeks. A few days ago she commeuced breathe very.

short. She will and pant just like an animal that has been running or standing in the heat. Once. In a while sbe will give A sneezing cough. Has been fed on good hay this winter.

She. eats quite well and drinks quite well: eyes look bright and clear; nostrils clean: does not seem to bave any more beat in the body than natural. Please let we know whut alls her and what to do for ber, and you will very much oblige, A Subscriber. Answer 'A cough is one of the diseases of pregnency and is caused by the pressure of the foetus or call against the intestinal organs and they in turn against the diaphragm, causing the lung space to be crowded. The peculiar breathing is due to some obacure catige.

When she cares we think she will be all right; it not write us again. 1. BAD MILK. Veterinary. Editor of the Commercial: I have a cow about eight years due calve the last of July, Her unlik began to taste bitter about'a month ago, when she was giving four quarts day, and then we couldn't churn from ber cream.

We tried all day. and gave it up. Her cream had churned nice all the time before. For two weeks ber milk has been thick or bard to strain. It don't seem Just like rarget.

There was a small lump above one her teats before we noticed that. We dislike to turn ber of. Last July abe only went dry 16 days. We would like to hear from you as as possible, As don't know what to the matter nor what to do. Do you know what causes bitter miik bee fore She seems well An Old.

Subscriber. Washington County. Answer: The cow disordered causing the bitter inlik. The bile la being absorbed Into the blood and we think the cow har Give her calomel, drachin: epsom salts, a Then her dilute sulphurie acid la drachm doses twice FINANCIAL Safety and Certainty 4 In Speculation. We have just issued, under the above title, a little booklet on Speculation.

It contains some unique ideas and much information of value to any one who may be interested in the Stock, Grain or Cotton Markets. It is our desire that this booklet obtain a large circulation, and shall be glad to send, or give a copy to any and all who may ask for it. F. A. ROGERS CO.

Bankers and Brokers, BOSTON and NEW YORK. Bass Bangor Building, Office: Hammond St. Tel 3-3. J. P.

POOLE, Manager. Copper Mining Pays Best. Forty-two corporations distributed nearly A $18,000,000 dividends for pold the month of April, 1900, an average of $428,571 each. The largest dividend by any one of these big corporations wa's paid by. the Anaconda Copper Mining and amounted to $2,500,000.

A the right kind, and there are many who would invest they only could feel Everybody "admits that there is big money! in mining only sure of being honorably dealt with. The Lime Creek Copper Mines Are Among the Most Promising Copper Mines Now Being Opened, and offer an excoptionally good opportunity for profitable investment. They are in the hands of reliable and expert mining men. Copper matte will be produced by these mines by July 1st, but the time to buy stock is now, while the price is low. In a letter received April 13th from J.

D. Marlar, General Manager of the Mines, he said: "You need not be surprised irithe price of stock is ter May 1st." For particulars address T. R. HERBEST, Agent. 195 Exchange Street, Bangor, Maine.

THE FUTURE. From present indications, believe we are in the midst of gigantic speculative wave, and while some: stocks have had the rise they are eutitled to for the, moment. we. look for. great deal higher.

prices for: others that hare not ret started. Our market letters will koep you ported and this week' Issue. devoted to the Financial Situation, the Reading securities, R. R. and Sugar.

1. We hare. every, facilty for the faithful execution of your orders and our services are at your, disposal. Your name on mailing list tasures your receiving these letters every' week. Corey, Milliken Co.

(Established 1800) BOND AND STOCK BROKERS, 310, 311, and 312 Exchange BOSTON. BONDS. WE HAVE ON HAND. Choice Investment Securities which we own and offer for sale, yielding from 34 per cent. to per cent.

net income. Blake, Barrows Brown, Investment Bankers, 9 Central Street. I VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS For Sale! 2000 acres in Mattawamkeag, Maine, adjacent to Penobscot River and Mattaseunk Stream. 7 Eastern Trust and Banking Company 54 Bangor, Maine. The Boston-St.

Croix Nickel Mining Co. Incorporated under the laws of the state of Maine. Capital, Value, si. Full Paid and Non-Assessable. President-Hon.

M. N. AfcKusick, Calais, Me. Secretary and Treasurer-J. Guthrie Hanington, Calals, Me.

Solicitor and' Ex M. N. McKosick, City Mayor, Calais; J. M. Johnson, Solicitor Wool and Ex- Merchant, Stephen M.

Mayor, Calats; J. M. Eaton, Calais; of V. H. F.

Hall, Eaton Sons, Lamber, ward B. Marsh, Broker, Calais: Boston, CdManager, W. Boston, A. Mass. Rich, Wholesale Lumber Broker, This 45 acres Company of owns mineral perpetual lease on the city of Calais, land within the limits of of and has opened vein examination ore.

of ore and make the thorough directors confident of the property paying property with small of opeuingi up In short the. and expense A limited amount of stock offered to share. secure The working price will capital be advanced 25 centa: a. this block is sold. soon MARSH Water Street, Boston, BOSTON BANGOR STEAMSHIP.

CO. QUICK. PASSAGE SPRING SCHEDULE Upon the departure of the Ice and upon the opening navigation, steamer CITY OF BANCOR. Capt. will: commence at once upon the running schedale: so popular with Travelers In seasons, making early arrirals ate Bangor.

and early arrivals Boston. late departares (2.00 a from Bangor Commencing Tuesday, April 1900, Steamer of Bangor will leave Ban gor at 2.00 p. m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Hampden, Bucksport, Bearsport, Belfast, Cam Rockland and Boston. RETURNING From BOSTON.

Mondays, Wednes and Fridays at 5.00 p. A From ROCKLAND at 5.00 m. Camden at 6.00 a. and 7.300 a touching at all Tue Thors days 'and HENRY T. SANBORN A rent CALVIN AUSTIN.


Two trips per: week: Steamer CIMBRTA Bangor at EVERY: SATURDAY ADd WEDNESDAY BAR HAR BOR und way landinge. RETURNING Leaves Bat Harbor at Ta every Mon day and Thursday for Bangor, No landings made at Point: boro or Hughes' Point until further notice. Fare, Bangor to Bar Harbor, $1,50. Meals served. GEO, H.

BARBOUR: President H. W. BARBOUR. FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE BUCKSPORT and CAMDEN STEAMBOAT LINE. Dans line, and after 10, Sundare excepted, and Da pett, will leave Bucksport, or on arrival of morning train from Bangor: Sandy.

Point, 8.15: Fort Point, 8.80; Belfast, Lewis' Wharf. 10, on atrival of train from Northport. 10.20: Temple 10.15: Camded, Wharf. 11.50. Returning, Camden.

Wharf). 12.80 Temple Heights, Nortbport, Fort 8.40: Sandy Point. 4.10; 6.15, connecting with 6:15 train for Bangor Connections- At Belfast with train: Steamer Bi Star from West at Camden with 12 Electric Car for Rock Rockiand and Thomaston Rockland with M. R. R.

Steamer Governor well for. Tale and Vinal Haven. and Steamer Haven for North a Haven and Swans made Belfast with M. C. R.

Leaving Camden 12.80, Barnham, and Steamer Silver Star a for Islesboro, Castine and West Brooksd hie: at Buckaport with 6.15 train tor Bangor. Tickets sold on steamer througb Bar for. BOSTON STEM QUAMERS The staunch and elegant steamers "Bay State," and alternately leave Franklin Wharf, Portland. abd Indie Whart. Boston, 7.00 D.

dally. except Sunday. meet every demand modern steamship service in safety. comfort and luxury of traveling Through- tickets for Protidence. Lowell Worcester, York etc.


Agt. 4 3 NEW TORE DIRECT LINE, MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. Long foland Sound br Daylight TRIPS PER WEEK Reduced Fares. $3.00 One Way, The steamsulp Hair and Mapliat tan alternately leave Wharf. Ports land, Tuesdars.

Thursdays Saturdase at 0 p.m. for New York direct. leave Pler 38. E. Tuesdays, Thursd and Saturdays at p.

These steamers are superbly Atted and for passenger travel and the most convenient and comfortable route between Portland and New York. F. LISCOMB. General A Agent THOS. Away from the Rush and Rattle! Yet In the Heart of New York City I Quiet and comfort! Within easy walking lance of the Great Dry.

Goode Stores. Wanal maker's, two minutes; eight minutes; Macy'e, six minutes. Hotel Albert, COR. UTH STREET AND UNIVERSITY PLACE (One block from Broadway Cars. Rooms $1 Up.

Prices RESTAURANT Reasonable, 0 Ta Dr. happiness Tolman's to Monthly hundreds Regulator hasdrought There is positively of anxious women. to medical science, no that other remedy known safely do the will $0 'quickly and failure. Tue work. Have never had a single are relieved in 3 longest and most obstinate cases days without fail No other remedy Interference will do with this.

work. No pain, no danger, no cases The most difficult successfully treated through correspondence, and the most complete satisfaction drods guaranteed of in every instance. I rolleve further ladies whom I never see. Write for answered. particulars.

Free All letters truthfully confidential advice in all in matters mind of this a privateor delicate nature. Hear remedy is absolutely safe under leave every no possible after condition and will positively mail securely ill effecte upon the health. By MAN sealed, $2.00. Dr. E.

M. 110 Tremont Boston, Maas. for SOLICITOR OF PATENTS Formerly with Patent Once of. General Mea trie MECHANICAL DRAFTING. EDWARD J.

HUNT, 10 E. Market Sat Bangor, For Women. MANE CENTER ARRANGEMENT OF TRAIT 1a Dee Trains and A Intermediate, Banger toe GOING EAST. and For the a roottook Provinces Co. Passeng late the will Western Station as Exchange open sale Patten all pointe 1.00 and Honitos 6.30 For For Vanceboro, and to.

2.06, 11.05 For ALL POINTE GOING WEST. 7.15 8koy began, 1.80 Rockland, 7.15 Lewiston, Portland a For Waterville Belfast 7.15 and 7.15 1.85. 200 p. Lewiston, Bath, Portlands 8.00 For and Portland and 11.45 Montreal and For Fabyane, Groreton, Inland Pond. Colebrook Con and Beecher, Vatte war and and 11.45 p.

Trains BUCKSPORT BRANCH leave Bangor for 0.60, and 11.60 only at 7.00 and 8.03 00 6.15 Mondays and at nod 7.10 a. only; Dr Trilos. MT. leave DESERT BRANCH Bangor for Bar Harbor at 6.00 and For a Washington dally, nod 4.50 Leave: Ellsworth for 10.03 m. 6.10 dally for: Washioston Trains BACA Herbar 10.25 a.

m. 8.20 p. 1.15 Eils worth 11.53 m. Arrive Bangor 1.10 Sundays only leave arrive Bangor SUNDAY TRANS For Ellsworth: and 6.00 m. For Bath, Boston la to.

and ARRIVALS Through traits the and 11.80. A From aud 11.30 p. 10. the 1.15 in. and from Portiand and 4.15 and 11.40 1 4.

8.00 6.25 m. From Water lue Sundar from Boston and 1136 m. and 4 From Waterville, DoTe and Dexter, Note -Time af arrival ciren that at Maine Exchange: Street allowed. depot a to East and by all rontes on Maine Central ticket Berths or information call W. Benson, ticket a GEO.

Gentl and COVERNMENT BONDS Bought and Sold. TYLER, FOGG BANGOR, ME. The Coat Uncle Sam has made for. Puerto Rico does not seem' to suit his needs Your needs the matter of Fine Laundry Work will be sulted by us. Your money back if you're not suited.

Penobscot and White Star Laundries, 18-20 Cross PORTER PARSONS, Prop's. Branch 150 Maia St READING FIRE INS. of Reading, Penn. Incorporated In 1807. Commenced bustess In 1807.

W. TIPPING, President. Secretary, THOS. H. SCOTLAND.

Capital Paid Cp In Casb, $250,000.00. ASSETS, DECEMBER 31, 1899, Real Estate owned "by the company, 10,816.23 Loans on bond and. mortgage (drat liens) 314,865.00 Stocks and bonds owned by the company, market value 395,028.00 Loud secured by collaterals 30,700.00 Cash fin the company's principal office and in bank 31,659.00 Interest due and accrued 5,504.22 Jectiou 44,143.87 Premiums 1u due course of colAggregate of all the admitted as. sets! of the company at their actual value $812,316.32 LIABILITIES. DECEMBER 31, 1880.

Net of unpaid losses and clalins 29,329.65 Amount required to safely re All Insure other all outstanding risks. 292,794.08 against the company, commissions, etc. 14,208.18 Total capital amount of labilities, except stock and net surplus, 386,389.91 Surplus Capital actually paid 7p lu cash, 260,000.00 beyond capital 255,028.41 A Aggregate cluding bet amount surplus of liabilities, In- $812,316.82 W. W. PALMER, Agt.

apr7 es 8w BANGOR SAVINGS BANK. SPECIAL NOTICE. semi -annual dividend at the rate of three and one-half per. cent. per annum has been declared by the Bangor Savings Bank, payable lon and Monday, April 2, 1900.

not withdrawn will be added to the principal. John L. Crosby, Treasurer. LADIES Who Recommend Have AT TEST KING'S Brand PENNYROYAL PILLS. no Roadreds of filet An or by mall box.

for KING MEDICINE Sex 1930. BOSTON, MASS. In Effect Thursday, Nov. 23, 01 PULLMAN BUFFET. PARLOR CAR between Houlton and Bangor on Houlton at 8.20 m.

p. m. 7.00 For and arriving at 8.40 8.50 Iron World Noreross 8.43 Sherman 10.45 Patten 11.10 a 01 land Weeksboro 12.10 p. Falls 11.12 Smyrna p. Ashland 1.30 1.57 p.

p. Houltoe Caribe Fresque Sweden 253 Van Fort Fairdeld 2.15 p. 8.15 p. Dover 9.10. Monson Japction rille 10.53 m.

$4.45 P. and arrivips Brownrille 6.82 10. 17.13 p. Dover and Forent Gallford 1.00 p. Greenville Norcross Sherman 8.20 p.

m. Island Balts 8.45 p. Houlten 4.00 P. and arriving 5.25 A ARRIVAL 9.20 A. M.

6.40 Monsou Junction a. 6.23 Katald 6.20 a. Brownville 7.15 mi MA Lagrange 7.57 1.05 P. M. Leave Caribou Presque Isle 0.42 Fort Houlton 8.20 Masardis 7.26 a.

Smyrua Mills 8.42 faland 0.15 a. Patten 0.10 a. Millinocket 10.27. 10.39 m. Brownrille 11.30 7.20 P.

Greenville Monson Junction, p. p. Dover 5.08 Limestone New Van 10.57 Caribou 11.45 12.13 p. Fort Fairdeld 11.15 4 ton 2.00 p. Island Falls 3.00 2.65 p.

Sherman 8.28 nocket 4.10 p. m. Norcross talidin I. W. 3 p.

Bro 5.40 p. Lagrange 8,00 p. GEO M. Passenger and Ticket W. CRAM, Vice Pres.

and Gen Bangor, Nov. 20, 1899. A SUN OF TRAINS In ERect Oct. tween PULLMAN Calais and BUFFET Hoston. Through conch SLEEPING' Calais and Bangor.

Until further trains wit cor as follow 6.00 a. from and leaving Boston p. dally (except Sand 1.00 Sundays, Portland 11.00 Franklin 7.58 a. Cherry del Machias Calais Eastport 11.45 daily, Including days, Princeton Sundays. This traip Gas bleeping car, Boston to Calala coaches.

Bangor to Calais and 4.50 leaving Boston dally, 9.00 except and Sanders Portia 12.85 p. tor cod arriving Cherry Calais 10,30 10. Mo Listpen 1.85 Leave a. dally Eastport except Sundays, for Of tiring Machias 0.27 Franklin (11.15 a. Band Portland 8.35 p.

Boston Leave Princetou 8.45 p. P. Calais 5.45 Machlas daily days, for and arriving Franklio Cherry 8.41 p. Boston Bapgor 11.20 p. This train Portland das buffet eldeping car Calais to Boston class Calais to Bangor.

Leave 'Calais 1.55 P. Eastport chias In $3.47 Sundays only, Cherryteid 4.51 and 1.30 Portland 6,35 1.30 p. 3.41 This traip has Pullman budet car Calais tow Boston. First class Calala to Bangor. DO Gear CANTAL- MIDY Standard remedy and for IN 48 and Bladder Troubles.

Commercial from Bangor, Maine (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.