News in Italian: top 21 Italian news sites to learn online (2024)

The news in Italian will make you fluent

There is a multitude of ways to learn a language, from reading a grammar book to listening to the radio.

However, none is quite as informative and effective as reading and watching the news in Italian online.

In this day and age, reading news in Italian online has never been more accessible.

Now is a better time than ever to master the art of learning a language by using the technology that is right at your fingertips.

There are plenty of Italian news websites to choose from.

Reading online news stories in Italian will pave the way for the new, fluent you!

Whether you are learning basic and recurring words or complex and industry-specific ones, by looking at online media regularly, not only will your vocabulary expand, but you will also learn about sentence construction, syntax, grammar, and conjugation.


News in Italian: top 21 Italian news sites to learn online (1)


News in Italian: top 21 Italian news sites to learn online (2)

Italian news websites

Here’s a couple of Italian news websites with news in Italian:

The Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA; literally “Associated Press National Agency”) is the leading wire service in Italy. ANSA is a not-for-profit cooperative of 36 leading news organizations in Italy.

A weekly magazine of articles in Italian from newspapers and magazines throughout the world. Mostly about politics and foreign affairs. Excellent for world news in Italian.

Free news in Italian about the economy, politics, society, etc.


News in Italian: top 21 Italian news sites to learn online (3)

Best news sites in Italian

Now, I’ll share with you some of the best Italian news sites to help you improve your Italian listening and reading comprehension.

Live news in Italian online about culture, science, and sport.

News from Italy and around the world.

Listen to the latest news on the radio.

News, sport, business, and entertainment news.

This is a special website. It only reports funny fake news, mostly of political satire.

It’s my favorite source of funny fake news in Italian online.

Ask an Italian friend to explain the jokes to you if you can’t figure them out by yourself.

Learn Italian with the news

Learn Italian with the news and immerse yourself in the rich language and culture of Italy. By following Italian news sources, you can enhance your language skills while staying updated on current events.

Reading articles, listening to news broadcasts, and watching videos in Italian will expose you to authentic vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical structures. This real-world context provides a practical and engaging way to expand your Italian vocabulary, improve your comprehension skills, and develop a better understanding of Italian society.

With the news as your guide, you’ll not only learn the language but also gain valuable insights into Italian politics, culture, and daily life. You can also learn from slow news for italian beginners if you want to start you journey in learning the language now.

Free online Italian newspapers

If you’re looking for Italian news in the Italian language, here’s a list of free Italian online newspapers.

There are all good sources of free Italian news online that are also authoritative.

One of the advantages of having the internet is to have the possibility of browsing newspapers from all over the world. Therefore, it’s an excellent resource to learn languages, using authentic Italian news articles.

Here a collection of newspapers with news in Italian:

These are all major Italian newspapers with free Italian news online.

Italian news for beginners

Italian news for beginners is a great way to immerse oneself in the language and culture of Italy. It provides an opportunity to expand vocabulary, practice reading skills, and stay informed about current events.

Whether it’s through online platforms or traditional newspapers, Italian news sources offer a variety of topics, including politics, sports, culture, and entertainment. By engaging with Italian news, beginners can develop a deeper understanding of the language while gaining valuable insights into the country’s society and trends.

It’s an excellent resource for language learners looking to improve their Italian skills while staying up to date with the latest happenings in Italy. You can also learn Italian through beginner’s tests and different resources online.

Other types of Italian newspapers

Here’s a list of newspapers that focus on business, sports, or religion, as well as an independent news source:

This is especially authoritative for business news.

The most popular sports newspaper in Italy. It’s recognizable by its pink color.

The Italian Catholic newspaper.

The only major Italian newspaper that doesn’t receive public subsidies. Arguably the only independent Italian newspaper with the news in Italian that other media don’t dare to publish.

News in Italian: top 21 Italian news sites to learn online (4)

Foreign media with news from Italy in English

Do you still feel that Italian news websites are too difficult for your level?

If you’re a beginner and would rather read the news in English, here are some foreign media with news from Italy in English.

Take your time before you jump to Italian news in the Italian language.

A selection of news about Italy.

Business news from Italy.

News from Italy on an authoritative British newspaper.

  • The Local

This website is entirely dedicated to news from Italy.

News from Italy on a famous online newspaper.

News in Italian: choose your topic

Besides the fact that online media is completely free to use, it allows you to practice a specific set of vocabulary that you want to learn.

You can have access to a broad variety of newspapers in Italian.

Looking at websites like these will help you find articles with news in Italian online on topics that are of interest to you.

For instance, if you want to expand your sports vocabulary then you simply must visit the sports pages of a newspaper.

The same goes for technology, economy, and society; whatever subject you are interested in, an online newspaper will be available to you!

Reading Italian news online will allow you to enrich your vocabulary on any given subject, while also enriching yourself on lexical fields.

In the written press it is not an uncommon occurrence to come across a word and its multiple synonyms many times, which allows you to learn how to avoid repeating a word through using new synonyms that you learn.

Can you improve your skills by watching the news in Italian?

“I’d like to be able to read the news in Italian” is a goal I often hear when I ask people what fluency means for them.

Even if reading the news isn’t your end goal, it’s still a great way to learn a language.

News in Italian gives insight into Italian culture that’s rarely available through other learning tools.

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With Italian news in the Italian language, you won’t only be learning about current affairs.

Watching the news in Italian online can teach you new words and phrases and educate you in proper pronunciation. Reading the news in Italian online will increase your vocabulary and improve your grammar skills.

The news in Italian is a never-ending resource. Most news sites are updated throughout the day. TV news runs around the clock.

And so do talk radio stations. You’ll never run out of fresh content, which you can continually use to build upon your learning.

The benefits of using the news to learn the Italian language

I recommend the news in Italian as a language tool for students for many reasons.

  • Journalists are required to write in a standardized way. With the news in Italian, there’s no slang or colloquialisms. You get the topics of the day, delivered straight, in a language you can easily understand.
  • TV news is read in standard pronunciation. This is particularly important for beginners, who need to know they’re learning the correct form of the language (i.e. not dialects or regional accents) through the news in Italian online.
  • Anchors and journalists tend to enunciate clearly, which is ideal for both beginners and intermediate students. Similarly, print news tends to be well-written, with the appropriate and correct use of grammar.

Also, the news in Italian online enriches your mind culturally.

As you learn the language, you’re also learning important details about the countries in which the language is spoken.

From current affairs to entertainment, economy, and sport, your knowledge of this particular culture is only going to broaden.

The news in Italian is easily accessible!

As the news in Italian online is available via many resources, you can use it to strengthen your reading, listening, and speaking skills. That’s a triple win.

The news in Italian is easily accessible. Thanks to the Internet, you can access the news in Italian from wherever you are, in whichever country of your choice.

All it takes is a few clicks of your mouse and you have hours of language learning material at your disposal, and most of the time, for free.

Keeping all this in mind, it’s pretty easy to see how anyone learning a language would benefit from incorporating the news in Italian into their study tools.

Are you ready to access free Italian news online?

There’s one more question that needs answering.

How can you ensure that you’re using the Italian news to learn a language… and not falling into the black hole of passive learning?

The News in Italian: a language learning tool

Match your level

First, find a source of news in Italian online that matches your current Italian level.

The resource you pick should also cater to the skills you wish to target. News is a predominantly helpful tool for those wanting to improve either their listening or reading skills (or both!).

Decide which skill has a higher priority and go from there.

If you’re a beginner, choose news sites specifically designed for language learners.

If you have already reached an upper-intermediate level, you can venture to read native-level material.

However, reading complex stories could be very time-consuming.

Not every news in Italian online makes good material for beginners and intermediate learners.

Listening to the news in Italian is ever more difficult. So, don’t be sad if you can’t catch what the speaker is saying.

Pay attention and mimic

You can’t expect to sit in front of your computer and find you’re fluent in Italian after watching one half-hour Italian news broadcast, even if you did that every day for months or years.

You’ll learn faster if you focus on what’s being said. Sure, you might not understand everything, but you will be able to pick out words. The more you practice this, the better you’ll get.

Besides that, when watching the news in Italian online, I recommend you mimic what the Italian newscaster says. This will help the sounds of the language feel familiar in your mouth.

Learn in small bits

With so many Italian news websites, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information.

If you’re a beginner, don’t overwhelm yourself with a half-hour Italian news program.

Instead, listen to the Italian news in bite-sized pieces. Focus on one story at a time, making sure you fully understand every aspect of the story and any new vocabulary.

When reading news in Italian online, look up any words that are new to you, and if you want to add them to your vocabulary, create flashcards for those words.

Only then should you move on to the next news story.

However, if there are news stories you struggle to understand, give yourself a break. Move onto another story.

The news in Italian can be complicated, and when you’re starting out it’s best to get easy wins.

Reading free Italian news online should be an enjoyable activity.

It makes sense to make the most of your commuting time by listening to the news in Italian. You can actually learn Italian in the car!

News from Italy: an overview of Italian mass media

As an extra, I’ll share with you some cultural notes about the mass media in Italy so that you know what to expect from the news in Italian you find online.

Italy is not a country of readers

The Italian media landscape is characterized by the dominant role of television in comparison to other media platforms.

Citizens spend a large amount of time watching television while press circulation remains low.

Mass circulation has never been a feature of Italian newspapers; instead, it appeals to an elite readership that is already familiar with politics and public affairs.

News in Italy: a profitable business?

The low levels of press circulation of Italian newspapers are driven by the print press’s elitist focus and the absence of the so-called “tabloid press” that exists in many other countries.

This elite circulation produces a major consequence: Italian newspapers are not profitable and therefore need external support to survive.

Most press enterprises either receive press subsidies or are backed by corporations and entrepreneurs that use the press to pursue their own economic interests through the news in Italian.

Some examples of print enterprises that are the property of companies include:

  • Caltagirone Editore, a property of a real estate company;
  • Itedi group, a property of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA);
  • The business paper Il Sole 24 Ore, a property of Confindustria (Federation of Industrial Entrepreneurs).

Media and politics

Partisanship represents a major distinguishing feature of the entire Italian mass media system.

For many years, the print press was influenced by the presence of important party newspapers which, albeit no longer in circulation, established an interventionist tradition within the broader media landscape.

This partisan tendency of the news from Italy is exacerbated by the economic interests of enterprise owners, who are often inclined to promote self-serving policies and support close political friends.

In spite of the party press’s disappearance, a tradition of political parallelism still persists.

Both the print press and television reflect competing ideologies and political opinions even if they do not have any direct structural and ownership connections to political entities.

One exception here is the Berlusconi media corporation, which is well-rooted in Italy’s tradition of political parallelism.

In other words, a lot of news in Italian is biased.

News in Italian: politics and business

These historical ties between the Italian news media and politics have limited the capacity for journalists to develop genuinely autonomous professional identities, separate from politics.

There has always been a sort of osmosis between politics and journalism, with journalists entering the field of politics and politicians becoming journalists.

The increased commercialization of the entire mass media system over the last three decades has partially changed these aspects of the Italian media landscape.

Nevertheless, the legacy of this past, and the established relationship between news media and politics, still survives – as the entry of mass media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi into politics clearly demonstrates.

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The role of the state in shaping the face of Italy’s media system has always been important, even if it has diminished over the years. The state plays a role as owner, regulator, and funder of the news in Italian.

In the past, several news outlets, both wire services, and newspapers in Italian have been the property of corporations depending on the state.

Today, just the RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana (Italian Public Service Broadcasting – RAI) is the property of the Treasury Ministry.

Read and Listen to Italian News

Learning the Italian language using the news is an effective way to immerse oneself in the language and enhance language skills. By reading and listening to Italian news, language learners can expand their vocabulary, improve their comprehension skills, and gain valuable insights into Italian culture and current affairs.

The news provides a diverse range of topics, from politics to sports, which allows learners to explore various aspects of the language. Additionally, exposure to authentic news content helps learners familiarize themselves with idiomatic expressions and colloquial language usage.

Incorporating news reading and listening into the language learning routine offers a dynamic and engaging approach to mastering the Italian language.

What are the best podcasts to learn Italian?

Here’s a list of the best podcasts to practice your Italian:

If you’re looking for a great and fast way to go through the Italian culture, you can always use this huge free collection of news in slow Italian.

In this podcast, you will be able to learn and improve your comprehension of the Italian language, as well as expand your vocabulary and be exposed to the most common expressions. This is definitely one of the best Italian podcasts.

The ItalianPod101 covers the basic through advanced levels of Italian. The episodes are quite exciting and very immersive. The dialogues are presented by engaging hosts in a clear, concise way covering many grammatical features and cultural topics.

Coffee Break Italian is quite good for beginners. There are three hosts of the show, including Katie, who’s learning Italian along with the listeners.

This makes it a bit easier and can make you feel more comfortable as you see what it’s like for someone else, also learning the language. You’ll see the mistakes and learn alongside her.

This is a fun and exciting podcast for learning words, phrases, and other curiosities that are common in Italy.

With Italiano Automatico, you will quickly master essential speaking skills and improve your listening comprehension and your understanding of colloquial language.

This is an exciting Italian podcast that talks about all different kinds of Italian history: classical (e.g. ancient Rome), medieval, modern, and contemporary.

It’s a great way to improve your vocabulary while learning about Italy’s rich cultural heritage.

It’s made for the Italian general public, so you’ll want to have a good level of Italian before diving in.

But don’t worry if you occasionally lose the thread — just go back and listen again to see if you can understand from the context, of which there’s plenty!

  • Ripeti Con Me

Ripeti Con Me is definitely one of the best courses for you to start learning Italian.

Why? Because it will teach you how to think in Italian. I know it sounds a little too good to be true, but it’s been created to help you learn Italian in a very short time.

You will quickly go through a lot of new words and expressions, and learn the language without even realizing it.

What’s your favorite source of news in Italian?

Approach the news in Italian as you would with any other language learning resource.

It can be an exceptionally handy tool for study, as long as that is exactly what you do: take the time and effort to study these resources.

As your knowledge of the language grows, your ability to understand what is being said will develop with it.

And you’ll become even more informed about this world we inhabit along the way.

News aside, Italian short stories make excellent material to improve your reading and listening skills.

What’s your favorite Italian media? Where do you read, listen to, or watch the news in Italian?

Let me know in the comments!

News in Italian: top 21 Italian news sites to learn online (2024)


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