Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (2024)

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Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (1)lee =] Tey



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Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (2)This report is a

review of

research activity

at Massey University

for 1993

and 1994.

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (3)[...]This Research Report describes the
research which Massey University has
been involved in over the 1993 year
and up to December 1994, years in
which student rolls continued to
increa[...]number of
international students enrolled at the
University, and a number of
agreements with foreign universi[...]as proven to be a
very successful programme.

The University’s new Professor of
Product Development, Peter R[...]for the
design of the kitchen of the future.

In 1994, a new Faculty was added
to Massey University, as the School of
Mathematical and Information Sc[...]pton opened Landcare
Research’s new building on Massey
University’s Palmerston North campus
in August 1994, as a sign of the closer
links being set up betwe[...]RIs.

A further innovation was the
appointment of Massey University’s
first Professor of Animal Welfare
Science, Ne[...]animals. The Chair is supported by
AgResearch and Massey University.

Other highlights of 1993-94 are

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (4)[...]plinary
cooperation with other Departments in
the University and external research


Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (5)[...]icultural Research Institute Ltd
(AgResearch) and Massey University
saw the establishment of an Industry
Chair entitl[...]ng from
the NZ Apple and Pear Marketing
Board and Massey University. Also, the
Dairying Research Corporation f[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (6)[...]Research, Science
and Technology in both 1993 and 1994.
This and related projects provide a
basis on whi[...]International Soil
Science Congress in Mexico in 1994.
This work is important in
understanding t[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (7)[...]ity during
the period (1 January 1993-31
December 1994) with an output which
included over 30 research p[...]aw regime that commenced
in New Zealand on 1 July 1994, several
papers on Bayesian analysis of th[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (8)[...], Financial
Management Association, and the
Otago University Finance Seminar
Series. Staff have published five[...]balance and fairness in broadcast news
from 1985-1994. A benchmark piece of
research on women in manage[...]r), tourism and sports

The inaugural Massey University
tourism research conference: “Tourism
Down Unde[...]d Sport
Management in New Zealand,
Dunmore Press, 1994. Research was
carried out by all staff in[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (9)[...]s. In
1993, the topic was the environment,
and in 1994 it was the roles of men
and women in society.

In 1994, the Department continued
its critical evaluation[...]en
service quality and repeat purchasing.

In May 1994, the Department
published the fifth volume[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (10)[...]Zealand Musicological Society
Research Chronicle, 1994 saw the
foundation of Massey University Music
and the publication of Douglas
Lilbum’s Drysdale Overture (with the
assistance of Massey University
Publications Committee); a composer
series of pub[...]is now well established
and integrated with a new Massey
diploma in the subject available to
school teachers. The department also
organised (in August 1994
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (11)[...]eed publications were
produced in 1993, and 18 in 1994. A
number of talks and seminars were
given to out[...]object-
oriented CASE tool, proceeded through
the 1994 Massey vetting stage.

Dr Stavreva’s research group al[...]s (evolutionary
theory) for three years from July 1994,
and the other to Professor Wake and
Dr McNabb in[...]d
mass transport modelling for one year
from July 1994.

Another significant grant to the
Department was[...]y International Congress
of Mathematics in August 1994 in

In 1994, Professor Wake was
awarded a Fullbright Research[...]versities. He spent the
period October - December 1994 based

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (12)at the Claremont University Colleges in

Five PhD students graduated in
May 1994, including two in Operations
Research - the first ever such PhDs
from Massey University.

Late in 1994, the Department was
involved with the launching of the
AgResearch - Massey Mathematical
Biology Department which was
initiat[...]the Department on
the Palmerston North Campus in 1994.
This will assist in developing a focus

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (13)[...]uantum chemistry group, in
collaboration with the University of
California, Berkeley, has been studying
the co[...]rganic
chemistry, a collaboration with
Georgetown University, USA, has
included the study of novel asymmetric[...]stems has
been extended in collaboration with
the University of Leeds to include the
effects of changes to the[...]e surfactant molecules. In
collaboration with the University of
California, Los Angeles, the
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (14)[...]ils.

The Massey University/New Zealand
Ministry of Health Giardia Unit
compl[...]ndida albicans
infections are all progressing. In 1994
NIH (United States) supported Dr Brian

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (15)[...]DEPARTMENT OF PLANT

In 1994 the Department of Plant
Biology expanded its name[...]ue of the
Agronomy Society of New Zealand
(vol. 9,1994) highlight the strong
interests within the[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (16)[...]dies
continued its research activities
throughout 1994, most of it being
conducted overseas. Without a
Institute. Five PhD projects were
ongoing in 1994. These topics covered:
women and development in t[...]r at the Center for
South Pacific Research at the University
of Kagoshima. Dr M Roche continued
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (17)[...]ector
of Labour Studies, At the initiative of
the Massey University Advisory
Committee on Trade Union Educatio[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (18)[...]ertisem*nts for
12 months from April 1993 - March
1994. The results identified the
dominant lines[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (19)[...]of $240,000).
An ongoing project (supported by a
Massey University Postdoctoral
fellowship totalling $72,000) is
Research papers filed from the
Department in 1994 report findings
from three separate and on-going[...]d.

A number of individual projects
culminated in 1994 with the publication
of a book, seven arti[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (20)26


1994 was a year for development of a
new Depart[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (21)[...]and the Labour
Market; and Policy Evaluation.

In 1994, three major comparative
studies were launched. T[...]and Societal Change
involved social scientists at Massey,
Auckland and Waikato Universities,
This internat[...]ublic Policy Programme at the
Australian National University. And the

third project centres around an
examina[...]presented to a symposium of
health specialists at Massey University. 27

Several locality based evaluation
studies were also launched in 1994.
These studies include, the Social Work

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (22)[...]Food Technology Research Centre

Activities for 1994 are as follows:

1. A two year investigation into[...]extrusion of
processed cheese was rejected by
the University but later financed by
the NZDRI.


Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (23)[...]ccessfully registered a patent in the
name of the University for a robotic
adhesive tape applicator system, wh[...]s of Engineering and
Technology. This was held at Massey
in June, with sponsorship from New
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (24)[...]disease outbreaks in animals
was fully tested in 1994. The European
Union is adopting the system[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (25)[...]ss, the Economics Section
(Albany Campus) and (in 1994) the
Centre for Agricultural Policy Studies.

Economics in March 1993, economists
at Massey University from the
departments of Economics and
Agricultura[...]h, education, and the social
welfare systems.

In 1994 the School of Applied and
International Economics[...]aff and Latin American

policy makers in 1993 and 1994.


Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (26)[...]ed journals.

Important strategic achievements in
1994 included two successful PGSF
applications. A two-[...]Trade).

The Department of Economics
continued in 1994 its active
international visitors programme. Dr
Perera (University of Woolongong), Dr
Willes (Institute of Ed[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (27)[...]institutional study, involving two
universities (Massey University and
Edith Cowan University in Western
Australia) and an international[...]
Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (28)[...]time was to encourage greater
involvement between University
researchers and the animal health
industry. The a[...]industry had approached
individual researchers at Massey
University for assistance with their
product development pro[...]panies. It operates as a uset-pays
section of the University and provides
the animal health industry with a
gateway into the resources and
expertise at Massey. In effect the
Centre acts as a project managemen[...]ervices
Centre also facilitates and helps
support University research.

RESEARCH CENTRE[...]oroughbred
foals, the main research effort during
1994 was directed at the development
of microsatellite[...]urther 250 Kaimanawa wild
horses were received in 1994 and
genetic markers at 16 loci were
determined. The analyses of these data
at the University of Kentucky formed
the basis of a report to DOC o[...]stralian
Equine Blood Typing Research
Laboratory, University of Queensland,
on blood groups, biochemica[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (29)[...]gal enzymes.


During 1994, the Centre witnessed
consolidation of the pig ex[...]t. The
latter resulted from agreement between
the University and the New Zealand
Dairy Board to establish, wit[...]ce in the
area of research and scholarship during
1994, was the announcement of a $1
million research grant (co-jointly with
Wageningen University, the
Netherlands), from the Dutch
Foundation for[...]ue of $400,000 were received by the
Centre during 1994. A milestone in the
publication of research resul[...]cientists, Professor MWA Verstegen of
Wangeningen University, The
Netherlands and Dr S Boisen, Foulum


In 1994 the New Zealand Centre for
Japanese Studies publi[...]on in the
language and ensures faster progress at
university level.

Nihongo o yomoo was published in
June. Wr[...]lia, also.


By the end of 1994, the Massey
University Seed Technology Centre had
been involved i[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (30)University, the Seed Technology Centre
has developed a natio[...]llaboration with colleagues from
elsewhere in the University and various
Crown Research Institutes, has result[...]n SeedComm, a consortium of seed
specialists from Massey University,
AgResearch Grasslands, MAFQuality
Management and Lincoln University.
SeedComm is actively involved in
collaborative r[...]p working under the auspices
of the Foundation at Massey University
are as follows:

GRG Barnes, Dept Physics

DK Bla[...]of two calves and two
adults were brought back to Massey.
Acrylic casts were made of the blood

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (31)[...]ies. Discussion paper: Department of Accountancy, Massey University,

Adams, M. B. (1993). Financial reporting s[...]ts.
Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, (137).

Adams, M. B. (1994). Are cash flow statements relevant to the life insurance industry? The Actuary, 4(9), 30.

Adams, M. B. (1994). Business process reengineering and life insuran[...]urance briefing, 6(2(Jjune)),

Adams, M. B. (1994). Theories of regulations: some reflections on st[...]: School of Applied and International Economics, Massey
University, 94(1).

Adams, M. B., & Hossain, M. (1994). Organizational form and discretionary disclosur[...]dy. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University,

Amat, O., Blake, J., & Dowds, J. (1994). Issues in the use of the cash flow statement -[...](2), 38-61.

Bauer, L., Locke, J., & O'Grady, W. (1994). Introducing accounting education change: a case[...]ng.
Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, (147).

Cameron, A. F. (1992). Accountants and s[...]es. Discussion paper : Department of
Accountancy, Massey University Palmerston North, 131.

Cotton, M., & Tooley, S.[...]meliness
and distribution. Working paper series : University of Waikato, 18.

Coy, D. V., Dixon, K., & Tower, G. (1994). Annual reporting by tertiary education institut[...]rs. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University,

Coy, D. V., Dixon, K., & Tower[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (32)[...]6-80.

Coy, D. V., Dixon, K., & Tower, G. (1993). University students’ chagrin may be justified. National bu[...]Coy, D. V., Buchanan, J., Dixon, K., & Tower, G. (1994). The Users of New Zealand tertiary education ins[...]er series : Department of Accounting
and Finance, University of Waikato 21.

Coy, D. V., Tower, G., & Dixon, K. (1994). Public sector reform in New Zealand: the progre[...]nagement, 10, 253-261.

Dixon, K., & Edwards, W. (1994). The Financial picture emerging from schools in[...]rt : Educational Research and Development Centre,
Massey University, (May).

Dowds, J. (1993). An Analysis of the con[...]91. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey

niversity, 139.

Durden, C., & Norrish, B. L. (1[...]al, 72(2),

Hawkes, L. C., & Adams, M. B. (1994). Total quality management: implications for inte[...]es. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, 138.

Hossain, M., Tan, L. M., & Adams, M. (1994). Voluntary disclosure in an emerging capital mar[...]ve.
Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, 136.

Jackson, B, C. (1993). The Benefits of DSS[...]foTech Weekly, (14 October), 15.

Jackson, B. C. (1994). Shedding the ‘whitecoat’ mentality. Dominio[...]journal, 72(3), 20-23.

Laswad, F., & Mak, Y. T. (1994). An International comparison of uncertainty expr[...]sis. Discussion paper,
Department of Accountancy, Massey University, 129.

Mak, Y. T. (1994). Flexible budgeting and variance analysis in an[...]. Accounting horizons, 8(2), 93-103.

Mak, Y. T. (1994). The Voluntary review of earnings forecasts disc[...]92. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy,
Massey University, (135).

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (33)1994). Accounting and Society, by R. W. Perks, [Book r[...]ountants’ journal, 73(10), 77.

Mathews, M. R. (1994). A Comment on Lewis, Humphrey & Owen: accounting[...]accounting review, 26(1), 91-97.

Mathews, M. R. (1994). Ethics and the accountant: texts and cases, R.[...]ndonesia. In: Proceedings, Third South-east Asian University Accounting Teachers Conference,
Kuala Lumpur, 199[...]practice. In: Proceedings, Third South East Asian University Accounting Teachers Conference,
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 1993 (pp. 87-96).

O'Grady, W. (1994). Contingent fees - can they be charged? Accounta[...]4, . Palmerston North: Department of Accountancy, Massey

Porter, B, A., & Gendall, P. J. (1993).[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (34)[...],
Turku, Finland, 1993 (pp. 291).

Porter, B. A. (1994). Auditors’ responsibility to detect and report[...]dy. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, 142(February).

Rahman, A. R., Ng, L. W., & Tower, G. (1994). Public choice and accounting standard setting i[...]7.

Rahman, A. R., Perera, M. H. B., & Tower, G. (1994). Accounting harmonisation between Australia and[...]se study. In: Proceedings, Third South
East Asian University Accounting Teachers Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 1993.

Tan, L. M., Hossain, M., & Adams, M. B. (1994). Voluntary disclosure by Malaysian listed compan[...]ountants, V(1), 10-15.

Tan, L. M., & Tooley, S. (1994). The Effectiveness of New Zealand tax simplifica[...]rs. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, (146).

Tan, L. M., & Tooley, S. (1994). Tax simplification: progress to date. Bulletin[...]ss. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy,
Massey University, (130).

Tooley, S. (1993). Socio-economic accoun[...]ournal, 6(1), 102-103.

Tooley, S., & Tan, L. M. (1994). Simplification - what do practitioners think? C[...]l, 73(5), 16-18.

Tozer, L. E., & Mathews, M. R. (1994). Environmental Auditing in New Zealand: Profile[...]ry. Discussion paper
: Department of Accountancy, Massey University, (148).

Unruh, A. R., & Mathews, M. R. (1993). H[...]rs. Discussion paper : Department of Accountancy, Massey University, (141).

Van Meer, G. (1993). Taxation as an inst[...]se. Discussion paper : Department
of Accountancy, Massey University, (133).

Velayutham, S,, & Perera, M. H. B. (1993[...]ORTICULTURAL SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT

Anderson, W. J. (1994). Quality management in farming. Rural management, 1(3), 8-9.

Anderson, W. J. (1994). Issues in establishing a quality management pro[...]. Palmerston North: Department of Animal Science, Massey University.

Anderson, W. J., & Hurley, E. M. (1994). Farm management teaching at a distance.[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (35)[...]Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University.

Buckmaster, D. R., & Parker, W. J. (1993). A Co[...]Burnham, D. L., Parker, W. J., & Morris, 8. T. (1994). The Effect of pasture height on herbage intake[...]54, (pp. 75-78).

Crawford, H. K., & Lowe, K. I. (1994). The Stock unit system - fair treatment for the[...]gricultural and Horticultural Systems Management, Massey University No. 1,
. Palmerston North: Department of Agricultural and Horticultural Systems Management, Massey University.

Edwards, N. J., & Parker, W. J. (1993). Improvi[...]gricultural and Horticultural Systems Management, Massey
University, (1).

Edwards, N. J., Parker, W. J., & Muller, W. D. (1994). Strategic ration-balancing of a pasture-based d[...]ion, (pp. 1-15). : Faculty of Veterinary Science, Massey University.

Gardner, J. W. M. (1993). Alternative rural ent[...]gricultural and Horticultural Systems Management, Massey University.

Gardner, J. W. M., & Parker, W. J. (1993). Surv[...]Agribusiness
and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University.

Gardner, J. W. M. (1994). Hungary - a country in transition. Rural management, 1(3), 15-16.

Gardner, J. W. M., & Parker, W. J. (1994). Farm consultants survey. Rural management, 1(3)[...]: Dunmore Press.

Gray, D. L., & Lockhart, J. C. (1994). Late lactation - what alternatives? In: Proceed[...]Palmerston North: Faculty of Veterinary Science, Massey University.

Hanson, G. D., Rauniyar, G. P., & Herrmann, R. O, (1994). Using consumer profiles to increase the U.S. ma[...]), 303-316.

Hargreaves, R., & Gardner, J. W. M. (1994). Farm mortgage affordability series. Annu[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (36)[...]2).

Hawkins, B. W., Wright, A., & Parker, W. J. (1994). An Analysis of the job of farm management in a[...]gricultural and Horticultural Systems Management, Massey

iniversity, (2).

Herrmann, R. O., Rauniyar, G. P., Hanson, G. D., & Wang, G. (1994). Identifying frequent seafood purchasers in the[...]8).

Holmes, C. W., Edwards, N. J., & Parker, W. (1994). The Use of supplementary feeds to extend lactat[...]gricultural and Horticultural Systems Management, Massey University.

Hurley, E. M., & Valentine, I. (1993). Elicitin[...]almerston North: Dunmore Press.

Lockhart, J. C. (1994). Comparative gross margins for 1993/1994 season. In: J. D. Stantiall, T. G. Harvey, & T. N, Barry (eds),
Proceedings, Massey Deer Farmers’ Conference, Linton, 1994, July (pp. 20-26). Palmerston North: Massey

Lockhart, J. C., & Cartwright, R. W. (1994). Capital investment, “bundling”, and returns[...]armers Conference, (pp. 37-45).
Palmerston North: Massey University.

Morris, S. T., Blair, H. T., Parker, W.[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (37)[...]ookes, I. M., Parker, W. J., & McCutcheon, S. N. (1994). Biological efficiency : how relevant is this co[...]orris, S. T., McCutcheon, S. N., & Parker, W. J. (1994). Once-bred lamb production. In: Proceedings, Cen[...]McCutcheon, S. N., Blair, H. T., & Parker, W. J. (1994). Effect of lambing policy and ewe breed cross on[...]ers’
Conference, (pp. 75-84). Palmerston North: Massey University.

Parker, W. J. (1993). Management and financial[...]ers’ Conference, (pp. 75-84). Palmerston North: Massey University.

Parker, W. J. (1993). Herbage intake, liveweigh[...]Hoard’s
dairyman, 138(12), 520.

Parker, W. J. (1994). Farm management options at Massey University. Rural management, 1(5), 6.

Parker, W. J., & Edwards, N. J. (1994). Feed quality assessment to improve animal produ[...]Palmerston North: Faculty
of Veterinary Science, Massey University.


Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (38)[...]pp. 1-7). Palmerston North: Dept. Animal Science, Massey University.

Parker, W. J. (1994). Feed quality assessment to improve animal produ[...]rition, (pp. 1-11).

Parker, W. J.,& Edwards NJ. (1994). Valuing supplementary feeding in a pasture base[...]Gray, D. L., Lockhart, J. C., & Townsley, R. J. (1994), Farm management research in New Zealand and its[...]7-22).

Roling, N. G., Kuiper, D., & Janmaat, R. (1994). Basisboek Voorlichtings - kunde. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Boom.

Sherlock, R. G., & Parker, W. J. (1994). The Financial, physical and family life cycle i[...]rston North: Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre, Massey University.

Shields, M. L., Raunyar, G. P., & Goode, F. M.[...]er
recommendations. NIAS/NZHS Convention, Lincoln University, (August).

Valentine, I., Hurley, E. M., & Glass[...]. Palmerston North: Department of Animal Science, Massey University.


Horne, D. J. (1994). The Irrigation of treated piggery effluent: som[...]). Palmerston North: Monogastric Research Centre, Massey University.

Hunt, H. (1994). Moling for drainage improvement. In: R. J. Gibb[...]nts. Dairyfarming annual, 91-94.

Maughan, C. W. (1994). Economics and the law. New Zealand law journal,[...]improvement, (pp. 79-108). Ames, lowa: Iowa State University Press.

Meister, A. D., & Rosier, D. J. (1992). A[...]velopment that works : lessons from Asia-Pacific. Massey University Development Studies monograph No.
3, (pp. C1.1-11.6). Palmerston North: Massey University.

Meister, A. D., & Sharp, B. (1993). Curr[...]

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Meister, A. D., & Alexander, R. R. (1994). The Scope and nature of assessment required und[...]mprovement, (pp. 207-233). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State
University Press.

Rae, A. N. (1993). Agricultural reforms i[...]l policy discussion
paper 13, . Palmerston North: Massey University : Centre for Agricultural Policy Studies.

Rae, A[...]: School of Applied and
International Economics, Massey University.

Rae, A. N. (1993). A PAM analysis of livestock[...]: School of
Applied and International Economics, Massey University.

‘Wilson-Salt, R. (1993). Consumer perceptions[...]Agribusiness and Economics
Research Unit, Lincoln University.

Woodgyer, W. R. (1994). The Vertidrain - a mechanical fork. In: R. J. G[...]ence on Engineering in Agriculture, Christchurch, 1994, August 21.

Amos, N. D., Ponter, B., Studman, C. J., Opara, L. U., & Wall, G. L. (1994). Techniques to assist with meeting intern[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (40)50

Armstrong, L., & Ritchie, B. (1994). Tractor Skills. Wellington: Accident Rehabilita[...]21-25). Beijing:
Beijing Agricultural Engineering University.

Choudhary, M. A. (1992), Environmentally-friend[...](4)), 283-302.

Choudhary, M. A., & Baker, C. J. (1994). Overcoming constraints to conservation tillage[...]Holmes, C. W., Brookes, I. M., & Ritchie, W. R. (1994). The Potential and cost of pasture silage as a s[...]tion Intensive Culture Forestry, Mobile, Alabama, 1994 (pp. 107-114).

Opara, L. U., Studman, C. J., & Banks, N. H. (1994). Stem-end splitting in apples: relevance of frui[...]iety for Horticultural
Science, Palmerston North, 1994, August 22.

Pang, D. W., Studman, C. J., & Banks, N. H. (1994). Apple bruising thresholds for an instrumented s[...]American Institute of

Phipps, R. A. (1994). Aluminium joinery: is it really low maintenance[...]f Valuers Journal, (June), 51-52.

Phipps, R. A. (1994). Sick building syndrome: a cause for concern. Jo[...]tute of Valuers,
(February), 6-7.

Phipps, R. A. (1994). Sick building syndrome: a practical guide. Safeguard magazine, 26(July), 23-24.

Ritchie, B. (1994). Are farm bikes hazardous? Dairyfarming annual, 46, 184-185.

Ritchie, W. R. (1994). ‘All terrain vehicle’ (ATV) skills. Aucklan[...]on.

Roudot, A. C., Studman, C. J., & Duprat, F, (1994). Morphogenese et fermete de la pomme (structure[...]erence on Plant Biomechanics, held in Montpelier, 1994, (pp.
151-152). Paris: Elsevier.

Scott, W[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (41)[...]an
Institute of Energy Research.

Sims, R. E. H. (1994). Biomass - from firewood to biofuels. Energy-Wise news, 36(August), 2.

Sims, R. E. H. (1994). Electricity generation from woody biomass fuels[...]World Renewable Energy Congress Vol. II, Reading, 1994 (pp. 852-856). London:

Sims, R. E. H. (1994). Energy generation in the agricultural industrie[...]ce, 7(4), 44-48.

Sims, R. E. H., & Handford, P. (1994). Coppice eucalyptus plantations for pulpwood and[...]“Biomass for Energy and Industry”, Florence,
1994 (pp. 1146-1152). Bochum: Ponte Press.

Sims, R. E. H., Mitchell, C. P., & Ford-Robertson, J. B. (1994). Disposal of effluent on to tree crops used for[...]“Biomass for Energy and
Industry”, Florence, 1994 (pp. 555-561). Bochum: Ponte Press.

Studman, C.[...]on North: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Massey University.

Studman, C. J. (1993). Impact properties of fru[...]n North: Department of Agricultural Engineering : Massey University.

Studman, C. J. (1993). Mechanics of fruit damag[...]oard.
Hastings: ENZA.

Studman, C. J. (1993). The Massey twist tester - a new method to determine fruit ph[...]ciety of Agricultural Engineers.

Studman, C. J. (1994). Measurement of firmness in fruit and vegetables. In: Proceedings, AGENG ‘94, Milan, Italy, 1994 (pp.
Paper 94-G-066, p.896). Merebeke: CIGR.

Studman, C. J. (1994). Quality in fresh fruit - meaning, measurement and maintenance. In: Proceedings, AGENG ‘94, Milan,
Italy, 1994 (pp. Paper 94-G-067, p.897). Merebeke: CIGR.

Wall, G. L. (1994). Foreign postgraduate students in agricultural e[...]lmerston
North: Dept of Agricultural Engineering, Massey University.

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Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (136)[...]., Pomroy, W., Adlington, B. A., & Calder, S. M. (1994). The Effect of repeated doses
of toltrazuril on[...]ians Vol. 10, Palmerston North, 1993 (pp. 57-65). Massey University.

Thompson, K. G. (1993). Poor herd growth has lo[...]., Orr, M. B., McSporran, K. D., & Wilson, P. R. (1994).
Osteochondrosis associated with copper deficien[...]ooke, M. M., Alley, M. R., & Collins-Emerson, J. (19941994). Disease considerations in captive breeding tran[...]ie, P., Bowling, M.C., Donoghue, M., & Kirk, EJ. (1994), Preliminary

investigations of technique[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (137)[...]mprove the animal health industry's access to the University’s
resources and expertise. The industry has a long-standing association with the University because of its
agricultural and veterinary backgr[...]ts and teaching, and to develop links
between the University and the professional community.

CENTRE FOR AGRIC[...]1986, the Centre is a combined venture involving Massey University and the New Zealand Racing
Conference. Its[...]

Research Report, 1993-1994 [1992-1994 year] (138)[...]ploitation of
exchange resins (often known as the Massey resins). It also provides a focal point for resea[...]of separation technologies for the benefit of the University and New
Zealand. The Unit was set up in 1985.

SO[...]on major areas of social and economic policy. The University’s objective is to create a
national cent[...]


[...]h and publications produced from 1992 to December 1994.</p>
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.