Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (2024)

These delicious Thai Red Curry Noodles are loaded with flavour and come together in less than 30 minutes! They’re creamy, naturally vegan and gluten-free!

Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (1)

This is an old recipe from the blog that was updated to make it even better!

Here they are: Thai Red Curry Noodles that are like a cross between a Thai curry dish and a Thai noodle dish. This recipe is made using rice noodles, red curry paste and coconut milk for a deliciously creamy noodle bowl that comes together in less than 30 minutes!

And if you’re looking for a protein to pair with this dish, this Thai Coconut Curry Tofu would go perfectly with these noodles!

Which noodles are the best to use

You can use any type of rice noodles to make this recipe, but I like them with traditional Pad Thai style noodles, which gives this dish a similar texture to linguine.

My second favourite type of noodle to use for this recipe are wide rice noodles, like the ones I use in my Vegan Pad See Ew. These will give a slightly chewier texture to the dish, which is also equally as delicious!

If you don’t have rice noodles on hand, you can also opt to make this recipe will some good ol’ spaghetti noodles. Regular or gluten-free spaghetti will work just fine. (Though I personally find the recipe better with traditional rice noodles!)

Curry noodle ingredients

Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (2)
  • Rice noodles
  • Coconut milk
  • Veggie broth
  • Garlic
  • Curry paste
  • Soy sauce
  • Maple syrup
  • Lime
  • Green onions
  • Cilantro
  • Sesame seeds

How to make Thai Red Curry Noodles

These curry noodles are super quick and easy to make!

Step 1

Soak the rice noodles in a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes to soften just until pliable. (Don’t let them fully soften in the water as the noodles will continue to cook in the curry sauce.)

  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (3)
  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (4)

Step 2

Add the curry paste, to a large skillet on medium-high heat and mix together to toast. Then add the coconut milk.

  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (5)
  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (6)

Step 3

Add the noodle and mix together. Season with soy sauce, maples syrup and lime juice. As the noodles start to absorb the sauce, slowly add vegetable broth 2-3 tablespoons at a time. Continue to mix and add the vegetable broth as the noodles begin to absorb the broth and soften.

  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (7)
  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (8)

Step 4

Top the noodles off with some cilantro, sliced scallions and sesame seeds to garnish.

  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (9)
  • Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (10)

Choosing the right red curry paste

Red curry paste is a traditional ingredient used in Thai cooking. It’s a paste made from a blend of aromatic ingredients including lemongrass, shallots, lime and red chillies (which is it the vibrant red colour!) I use it in my Red Lentil Curry and this aptly named Vegetarian Thai Red Curry.

Some red curry pastes contain dried prawns or prawn paste in them, so if you want to make sure this recipe is vegetarian and vegan-friendly, you’ll want to check the label of the red curry paste to make sure it doesn’t contain these ingredients.

Some brands of red curry paste may also be spicier than others, so keep this in mind when making the recipe. You may want to start with a bit less curry paste, and add more if you’re not sure how spicy you want it.

Red curry paste can usually be found in the grocery store in the same aisle as you would find soy sauce, sriracha and other Asian sauce ingredients.

Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (11)

Tips for making perfect red curry noodles

  • Soak your rice noodles in warm water until they are pliable, but not completely cooked. The noodles will continue to cook in the sauce, so you don’t want to cook them too much before adding them to the pan.
  • Thai food is all about the balance of sweet, salty, tangy and spicy. So make sure to not skip out on adding the soy sauce, maple syrup or lime. These will build big flavour in your noodles!
  • Keep the heat on medium while cooking, you don’t want the stove to be too hot!
  • To achieve a super creamy sauce, use some vegetable broth to thin out the sauce as you cook the noodles. The liquid will get absorbed as they cook, so adding some liquid will help keep the noodles nice and saucy!
Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (12)

More delicious noodles to try

  • Stir-Fried Ramen Noodles
  • Yaki Udon
  • Peanut Butter Noodles
  • Indonesian Noodles
  • Spicy Noodles

If you tried these Thai Red Curry Noodlesor any other recipe on the blog let me know how you liked it by leaving a comment/rating below! Be sure to follow along onPinterest,InstagramandFacebookfor even more deliciousness!


Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (13)

Thai Red Curry Noodles

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star4.8 from 17 reviews

  • Author: Jessica Hoffman
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 mins
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x
  • Category: Main
  • Method: Cook
  • Cuisine: Thai
  • Diet: Vegan
Print Recipe


Quick and easy Thai Red Curry Noodles that take 15 minutes to make!



  • 1/2 pack rice noodles (about 8oz)
  • 2 tbspThai red curry paste
  • 2 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 1 cupfull-fat coconut milk (from a can)
  • 1/4 cup-1/2 cup low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 12 tbspsoy sauce(depending on how salty yoursoy sauce is, use gluten-free if needed)
  • 1 tbspmaple syrup (can sub honey or agave)
  • 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Cilantro, sliced green onion, and sesame seeds to top


  1. Place the rice noodles in a large bowl of hot water. Let sit for 5 minutes to soften just until the noodles are pliable.
  2. Add the curry paste to a large skillet on medium-high heat. Let cook for about 1 minute to allow the aromas to come out. Then add the garlic and let cook for another minute
  3. Reduce the heat to medium, add the coconut milkand stir until combined.
  4. Drain the noodles and add them to the pan. Stirring to combine with the sauce, then add the soy sauce, maple syrup and lime juice and mix until combined.
  5. As the noodles cook and absorb the sauce, add the vegetable broth, 2-3 tbsp at a time while stirring and continue to cook just until the noodles are soft, but still have a bit of a chewy bite to them. (About 3-4 minutes)
  6. Taste the noodles and adjust seasoning as needed.
  7. Top with cilantro, chopped green onions and sesame seeds if desired.


Rice noodles can be easy to overcook, so they should still be a little firm (but pliable) when you add them to the pan. When the noodles seem soft but have just a little bite to them, that’s when they’re ready!

Read the label when choosing a red curry paste to make sure it’s vegetarian-friendly (if needed.)

You can find red curry paste at most grocery stores in the same aisle that you would find other Asian sauces, like soy sauce.

These noodles are best enjoyed fresh, so eat them right away!


  • Serving Size: 1/2 recipe
  • Calories: 504
  • Sugar: 10g
  • Sodium: 800mg
  • Fat: 30g
  • Saturated Fat: 26g
  • Carbohydrates: 49g
  • Fiber: 4.8g
  • Protein: 4.5

This post contains affiliate links which means I will make a small commission if you purchase through those links. I only recommend products that I know, trust and love!

Thai Red Curry Noodles (ready in 20 minutes!) - Choosing Chia (2024)


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