The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (2024)


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It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I might be serving brussels sprouts. I hate brussels sprouts. Like seriously hate them. For years people tried to convince me I just hadn't tried the right recipe.

They were right. Turns out you need to deep fry brussels sprouts and then cover them in sauce. Here's the world's best brussels sprouts recipe. For people who hate brussels sprouts.

The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (1)

Let me bring you all back to an unusually cool night in September of 2016. I was on vacation with family in Tofino, British Columbia. After a day of fall surfing, complete with wetsuits and burning lungs, we all warmed up and headed to a local restaurant that had been recommended.

Shelter. (no, this isn't a sponsored post, the restaurant is a very important character in this mystery)

The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (2)

We weren't sure if we were going to get in because it was packed with other people who probably didn't surf all day and therefore in my mind were not as deserving of food as we were. I stink eyed people who seemed to be lingering over their coffees but they just stink eyed me back. Which I think was very rude and not at all in keeping with stink eye protocol around the world.

When someone gives you the stink eye you recoil in fear and get the hell out of sight. Anyhow. We were finally shown a table at the back of the outdoor patio, where we grabbed our menus and started perusing.

British Columbia surprised me in that I thought there would be a whole lot of vegetarian options in the restaurants there but there weren't. I'm not a vegetarian so I didn't care. I was just surprised. I can't remember what I ordered for my meal that night. I can't remember it one iota. What I can remember is what we ordered as an appetizer. I remember it vividly for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is, I died from it.

There's no other explanation for me liking brussels sprouts. I must be dead.

The exact day I died was September 21st. The day my family outvoted me and ordered deep fried brussels sprouts with a parsley/honey dressing.

The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (3)

Brussels sprouts. I ate them. I loved them. I'm so ashamed.

Here's my history with brussels sprouts in case you don't know.

We left the restaurant, and everyone else resumed their vacation as if nothing had happened. As if the world hadn'tsplit open, as if pigs weren't flying, hell wasn't freezing over and horses weren't growing horns.

I did the only thing I could do; when I got home I did a bit of research, tracked down who the chefat Shelter restaurant was,found his email address and sent him a quick and possibly alarmingemail.


Remarkably, chef Matty Kane, of Shelter restaurant is fluent in Frantic and he knew exactly what I meant in my email. He sent me the recipe right away.

The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (4)

Fried Brussel Sprouts

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Author: The Art of Doing Stuff


  • 100 g apple cider vinegar
  • 25 g peeled shallot
  • 30 g peeled garlic
  • 40 g curly parsley
  • 100 g honey
  • 50 g olive oil
  • 160 g grapeseed oil
  • 5 g smooth dijon mustard
  • 2 g salt


  • Use either a blender or a an immersion blender to combine all the dressing ingredients thoroughly.

  • Put prepped brussels sprouts into deep fryer set at 350 degrees for 2 minutes.

  • Toss with enough apple cider vinaigrette to lightly coat and top with fresh grated parmesan & toasted sourdough breadcrumbs.

  • Serve immediately. Seriously. Right away.

Turns out there is a way I like brussels sprouts. I like them if you deep fry them. And I like them if you toss them in a delicious apple cider vinaigrette.

The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (5)

I think it's important to clarify my position on brussels sprouts at this point in time. I like brussels sprouts.

But only when they don't taste like brussels sprouts.

To my Canadian followers, think about having these for Thanksgiving. You can prep the sauce right now and even cook the sprouts a day in advance. Just drop them in the deep fryer again prior to serving for a minute to recrisp them.

Happy Thanksgiving long weekend my fellow Canadians. See you all again on Wednesday with the conclusion of my great floor debacle.

The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (6)

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The World's Best Brussels Sprouts Recipe. (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.