Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (2024)

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, there’s one thing for sure: celebrities are deeply involved in a culture that rewards good looks and slim bodies.

I don’t want to get into a discussion about the ethics of that but, let’s face it, the culture we ordinary folk live in abides by the same rules to a lesser extent. We all feel the heat to be healthy, slim and gorgeous.

If you do find yourself genuinely wanting to lose a little weight, then good for you; there’s nothing wrong with that.

Smoothies, in moderation, can be a great way to fill yourself up and get some goodness inside you. As part of a proper diet, they can be a great tool in the weight loss battle.

There’s a big “but” though. There are lots of smoothie recipes out there that will help you put on weight, rather than take it off!

I know… I like big “buts” as well, but sometimes we’ve got to put them aside for the greater good.

Back to celebrities, now, because they do have their worth.

If you’re not sure what type of smoothies you should be drinking in order to acquire and maintain that slim figure, then you can take a shortcut and simply follow the recipes that people in the business of being slim use!

Here are some of the best and tastiest smoothie recipes from models, celebrities and the like.

1) Jump Out Of Bed With Jennifer Aniston’s Breakfast Smoothie

Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (1)This recipe us one of my favourites to start the day. It wipes away the cobwebs, gets me motivated to start my work, and keeps my stomach from rumbling until lunchtime.

It’s delicious too, and that certainly helps!

If you like the sound of chocolate almond milk, cherries, blueberries and bananas blended up into a veganbreakfast treat to die for then head on over to the recipe on the InStyle website.

They’ll have to practically begging to go to bed so you can wake up and blend up your breakfast!

2) Stay Slim With Fergie’s Famous Blueberry Smoothie

Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (2)This recipe comes with the royal seal of approval from none other than the duch*ess of York! If it satisfies her finely-reared taste buds then I don’t think it’ll be a problem from ours!

So what is Fergie’s favourite smoothie-based tipple?

It’s a delightfully blue smoothie made of (you guessed it) blueberries! This one has a bit of a secret kick too that makes it all the more delicious.

Check out the recipe below (trust me, that secret ingredient is worth the price of admission on its own):

3) Pump Yourself Up With Paltrow’s Protein Smoothie

Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (3)As you’d imagine, Gwyneth Paltrow’s favourite smoothie is a rather sleek and elegant number that comes out a sunny, yet understated, yellow colour.

It looks beautiful in a glass, feels velvety and flavoursome on its way down, and (since Gwyneth follows an extremely strict and healthy diet) you can be certain that you’re getting only the healthiest of smoothie indulgence in your tummy!

What’s the flavour? Well, it’s a peach number with a warming kick (provided courtesy of a choice little ingredient that aids the digestive system).

Head on over to the recipe and find out just what provides that warming kick that’s great for your stomach:

4) Peanuts with Perry

Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (4)I generally try to avoid smoothie recipes that add flavour through things like peanut butter, but I must admit that I do enjoy a treat on occasion.

The key is to avoid the cheapest brands of peanut butter (Sunpat, Skippy etc) as they all contain ludicrous amounts of sugar.

Instead, check out the more expensive wholefood brands.

Flip the jar over, look at the ingredients, and if it contains only two things (peanuts and oil) then you’re good to go. The best butters are 99% peanuts and a little oil. That’s it.

So, with that in mind, you’ve got to check out Katy Perry’s favourite smoothie; it’s a strawberry, peanut butter, and banana delight.

Won you over already? Find the recipe below:

5) Keep Slim Smoothie from Kourtney Kardashian

Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (5)Yes, the media circus surrounding the Kardashian’s is turned up to eleventy-stupid, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know who to make a mean smoothie.

Kourtney Kardashian incorporated this little beauty into her diet when she was on a mission to rid herself of her so-called “baby weight”.

No, I don’t think she needed to either, but let’s take advantage of this delicious banana smoothie for our own purposes:

Top 5 Celebrity Smoothie Recipes: Drink Smoothies Like the Stars (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.