Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet · 2019-08-31 · Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (2024)

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (1)


The Customer Onboarding template set provides all the tools you need to effectively onboard new customers to your product or service in a scalable way.

Template Set Getting Started Guide


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Last Updated: August 31, 2019

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (2)

Get the Template SetClick the link below and the template set will be added to your Sheets folder, you can find it on the left side of the screen under Sheets.

Customer Onboarding Template Set

What’s Included in the SetWith the Customer Onboarding template set, you can quickly help manage and track the customer onboarding experience.

Onboarding Timeline SheetTracks all of the tasks involved in onboarding customers.

Customer Onboarding HubA dashboard that summarizes key information about your customer onboarding project.

At Risk Tasks ReportA running log of at-risk tasks.

Customer Tasks this Week ReportThis report tracks tasks from the past seven days and upcoming seven days.


Customer OnboardingTemplate Set Getting Started Guide


REQUIREMENTS: This template set has been designed to utilize the full suite of functionality available in Smartsheet. Select plans do not have access to all premium features like Dashboards, Automated Actions, and Activity Log. If you are on a limited plan you can still use the template set however not all premium functionality will be available. Click here to see a list of discontinued plans.

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (3)


Customer OnboardingTemplate Set Getting Started Guide


Step 1: Create a New Workspace

Open Home. From the home menu, click the Create button in the upper right hand corner. From the drop-down menu, select Workspace. Name the workspace.

Step 2: Drag the Files into Workspace

Select the template set folder under your Sheets folder. Drag and drop the folder down to the workspace you just created.

Learn more:

Workspaces Overview, Workspace Sharing, Home Tab

Learn more:

Manage Items in a Workspace (Add, Move, Remove)

Using a workspace is a best practice when building a collaborative process. Workspaces allow you to centralize your work and control sharing with different stakeholders.

Set Up

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (4)



Customer OnboardingTemplate Set Getting Started Guide

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Dashboard, Widgets

Step 3:Setup the Customer Onboarding Hub Dashboard

A. Onboarding Tasks by Status is a Chart widget that summarizes tasks by status based on the data in the Summary section of the Onboarding Timeline.

B. Onboarding Schedule is a Metric widget that summarizes the Onboarding Initiation Date, Launch Date, Onboarding Duration, and Percent Complete. All of these data points are automatically updated from the Onboarding Timeline.

C. Key Assets and Onboarding Resources are Shortcut widgets to quickly link to your sheets, reports, and other resources outside of Smartsheet.

D. Onboarding Lead and Success Rep are Image widgets that you can adjust to display team photos, or change to a customer’s logo or other image.

E. Tasks +/- 7 Days and At Risk Tasks are both Report widgets that display live reports in the dashboard.




The Customer Onboarding Hub dashboard summarizes the key information you want to track when onboarding customers such as important dates, task status, and available resources so you and your team can quickly see the status of the onboarding process. Dashboards consist of different widgets that pull in live information from other sheets and reports.

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (5)

Learn more:

Project Management and Gantt Charts, Hierarchy: Indent or Outdent Rows, Date Column Type, Parent Rollup Functionality, Project Sheet Columns: Start

Date, End Date, Duration, % Complete and Predecessors, Predecessors, Contact List, Apply Formatting Automatically with Conditional Formatting Rules


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide

Step 4:Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet

A. Double-click on the Onboarding Plan phase name in the child row (light gray) to edit and customize the phases of your customer onboarding process. Use the indented grandchildren (white) rows in your hierarchy, to enter tasks in the Task Name column. Indent subtasks under tasks by using the Indent button on the toolbar, or Ctrl + ] on the keyboard.

B. Use the Internal Owner column to assign tasks to team members from your contact list. The contacts assigned in the Customer Owner column will rollup to the two reports in the template set, which are also linked to the Customer Onboarding Hub.

C. Starting on row 10, add the start date and duration for each task to automatically create estimated end dates. The other data on your ancestor and parent rows, including Start Date, End Date, % Complete, and Duration are auto calculated by the tasks below the parent row.

D. Click on the Duration column to set the duration of each task. Set predecessors, or relationships between tasks, in the Predecessors column.

E. Track the progress of your project by viewing the interactive Gantt timeline to see which tasks are complete (green), which are at risk (red), which are in progress (blue), and which are on hold (orange). Conditional formatting rules apply formatting automatically to rows or cells based on the values they contain.

Use the Onboarding Timeline project sheet to collect, collaborate, and track critical data about your process. The sheet will help automate your customer onboarding process timeline from the start date forward. Since the sheet is set up with dependencies and predecessors it will provide an estimated end date based on onboarding tasks.




Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (6)


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide


Step 5: Use the Unique Formulas

The At Risk flag column is triggered by a formula to automatically flag Tasks that have an End Date in the past and do not have a status of Complete. The formula included is this:

=IF(AND([End Date]10 < TODAY(), NOT(Status10 = "Complete")), 1, 0)

The logic states that if the End Date is less than today (in the past) and status is not Complete then 1 (flag the row as at risk). If these statements are not true, then 0 (do nothing), and don’t flag the row as at risk.

Step 6: Use the Included Summary Formula

The table at the top of the Onboarding Timeline sheet consists of summary formulas. Use this data to populate a live chart in your dashboard. The formula used in each cell is:

=COUNTIF(Status8:Status39, "Not Started")

The logic states that if the value in the Status column matches Not Started then it will count the value. This formula is in each Status field in the summary table. Columns and rows with formulas are locked so that editors cannot change the formulas.

NOTE: There are several formulas in the same column, which prevents you from using =COUNTIF(Status:Status, criterion) to count the entire column.

Learn more:

Formulas and Functions

Learn more:

Formulas and Functions, Lock or Unlock Columns and Rows

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (7)


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide


Step 7: Enable Automations

An automated workflow is a great way to let your team know they have new tasks to fulfill as soon as they are assigned. There are two alerts setup for this template set — one that notifies customer owners of their new assignments, and one that notifies internal owners of their new tasks.

Step 8: Use Shared Filters on Timeline

After you assign task owners, the owner can update the status of the task by selecting an option from a custom dropdown list in the Status column. If you have multiple owners, filters are a great way to help people cut through the noise. On the project sheets, we created a shared filter called Tasks Assigned to Me. Anyone viewing the sheet can select that filter to see their assigned items.

Learn more:

Notifications: Keep Track of Sheet Changes, Save Time and Work Faster With Automated Workflows

Learn more:

Dropdown List, Filters, Shared Filter

A. To edit the alert workflows, click on Automation and select Manage Workflows in the dropdown menu.

B. Then double-click on the workflow to edit its criteria.

A. To modify the options in the dropdown list, double-click on the Status column header and edit the placeholders including the order of the list in the Values box.

B. Select the Filter Off button in the toolbar to create, use, or modify filters.


Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (8)


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide


Step 9: Sheet Bonus: View or Edit Your Project Summary Data

For those with a Business or Enterprise plan, this template set utilizes the sheet summary feature. The Onboarding Timeline sheet includes a pre-populated sheet summary that provides a standard, robust way to organize and report on project information in your sheet. Here you can see a quick recap of the status of your tasks and those tasks that are at risk. Open the sheet summary on the right panel to view or edit your project summary fields. You can use formulas and reference another summary fields.

A. Click the sheet summary icon to expand the sheet summary. You can expand and collapse the right panel to stay in the context of your sheet or maximize your sheet real estate when you don’t need to view it.

B. To add fields, click +New Field.

C. Name your field and select the field type: Text/Number, Contact list, Date, Dropdown list, Checkbox, or Symbols.

D. To edit the field properties, hover over the right side of the field and click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) to open the field options dropdown menu.

Learn more:

Define Your Work with Sheet Summary, Maximize Your Sheet Summary Usage, Create a Portfolio View with a Summary Report



Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (9)


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide


Step 10: Monitor the Customer Tasks this Week Report

The Customer Tasks this Week report tracks tasks from the past seven days and upcoming seven days that are not Complete and have an owner. This live report is included on the Customer Onboarding Hub, so any changes made will also be reflected there.

Step 11: Track at Risk Tasks

The Onboarding Timeline automatically flags a task as At Risk if the status is not Complete or On Hold and the End Date is in the past. The report surfaces all of these tasks in one view, and also pushes them to the Customer Onboarding Hub. The report is not specific to Customers or Internal Owners, but you can adjust this in the report settings.

Learn more:

Report Builder

A. To adjust the time frame covered on the report, open the Report Builder in the report.

B. Change When? to the desired time frame.

A. To adjust the report to only display customer tasks at risk, open the the Report Builder in the report.

B. Select the Who? filter and specify that Customer Owner is not Blank.





Learn more:

Report Builder

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (10)


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide


Step 12: Customize the Dashboard

Provide a central location for your team to get status updates on your onboarding process. Easily customize the dashboard to include your onboarding resources by editing Onboarding Resources in the Shortcut widget.

A. Click Edit, to start editing the dashboard.

B. Hover over the Onboarding Resources widget and a widget options menu will appear at the bottom right corner.

C. Click Edit (pencil icon) to add and remove shortcuts.

D. Repeat these steps for Key Assets - Reference widget.

Learn more:

Make Changes to an Existing Dashboard, Viewing and Sharing a Dashboard, Widget Types for Smartsheet Dashboards




Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet· 2019-08-31· Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (11)


Customer Onboarding Template Set Getting Started Guide

Step 13:Share Your Customer Onboarding Template Set

Learn more:

Workspace Sharing

Sharing is the best way to collaborate with others involved in your projects. You can share your entire workspace with members of your department, or share individual items within the workspace. For more information on sharing and permission levels, check out this infographic.

FEEDBACK: Let us know what you think of the Customer Onboarding Template Set! Share your feedback here.

Customer Onboarding - Smartsheet · 2019-08-31 · Customer Onboarding Page Template Set Getting Started Guide Step 4: Modify the Onboarding Timeline Sheet A. Double-click on the - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is a customer onboarding template? ›

Customer onboarding is an important part of any business. By using a customer onboarding template, organizations can: Reduce the amount of time required to onboard new customers. Provide a consistent experience for each customer. Ensure that all necessary information is collected and stored in a central location.

What is client onboarding process in financial services? ›

The customer onboarding process is a crucial step in the financial services industry as it helps to mitigate the risk of financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorist financing. The process can involve a number of steps, including identity verification, risk assessment, and compliance checks.

What is the 4 step onboarding process? ›

The entire program includes preboarding, orientation, training, and transition to a new role. Onboarding covers all the specifics of new employees.

What is an onboarding checklist? ›

An onboarding checklist is a way for hiring managers to organize the steps involved in guiding new hires through their first days and months at a company. The checklist ensures that each critical stage of the new hire onboarding process is complete. It provides a starting point for procedures specific to a job role.

What is customer onboarding framework? ›

Most frameworks adopt a series of planned steps, resources, and interactions designed to educate, engage, and support customers during the onboarding process. Typically, this includes activities such as product demonstrations, interactive tutorials, self-service knowledge bases, and proactive support.

What is a proper onboarding process? ›

Employee onboarding is a process that encompasses everything required when new employees start work. It includes completing paperwork, setting up workstations and computer access, communicating role expectations and making social introductions they need to succeed with a new company.

Is client onboarding a good job? ›

Customer onboarding specialists are crucial to providing quality, personalized customer service during the onboarding experience. A good onboarding specialist needs strong communication skills, project management, and problem-solving abilities.

What is the difference between user onboarding and customer onboarding? ›

What is the Difference between User Onboarding and Customer Onboarding? User onboarding is functional; it's designed to help people understand how to use a product. Customer onboarding is relational; it's about helping customers understand the value of being a paying client and build a sense of loyalty.

Who handles onboarding process? ›

​​Hiring Supervisor

The onboarding process is the primary responsibility of hiring supervisor.

What is the customer onboarding life cycle? ›

The customer onboarding lifecycle is an ongoing process focused on training and helping users achieve value from your product. It begins with the very first interaction a user has with your product or brand (which could be your website, where they see your value proposition), and it stops when they churn.

How do you develop an onboarding process? ›

How to create an onboarding process for your organization
  1. Start with the job offer. ...
  2. Create a pre-onboarding process. ...
  3. Use onboarding technology. ...
  4. Create a day one schedule. ...
  5. Keep new hires engaged. ...
  6. Develop a training plan and schedule. ...
  7. 30 / 60 / 90 day check-in. ...
  8. Collect feedback on the onboarding process.
Mar 28, 2024

What is the typical client onboarding process? ›

The client onboarding process establishes a customer relationship through pre-onboarding, after-signing communication, a kick-off call, a post-kick-off meeting, and SLA development. The goal of this process is to assure the client that your team will carry out the promises it made during the sales process.

What does a customer onboarding plan look like? ›

Customer onboarding is the process that new users go through to get set up and start using your product. It covers the whole journey: from initial sign-up to product activation and first use. Customer onboarding aims to deliver value to your customer as early as possible — in their first use, if possible.

Which tool is used for customer onboarding? ›

dock is a comprehensive user onboarding software. It offers features to streamline the first 90 days for new customers. It allows the creation of customized onboarding hubs where everything about a project is shared. You can find project plans, content, and forms – all in one collaborative space.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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