Refuge of Dreams Stuff - Ackarcue (2024)

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  • Original Work
  • Joyline Kalea Martins
  • Dylan Aiden Martins
  • Irís Amanda García
  • Kyle Ellis Lennox
  • Elizabeth “Liz” Leia Rodriguez
  • Yuri Ainsley Rosé
  • Flora
  • Valerie
  • Bambi (not the deer bruh)
  • Jaded!Jack Oliver

Refuge of Dreams Stuff



Joy has fought and scraped to help her friends, and it seems her efforts have finally been noticed.


  • For Mayzi33.

For a fren who wants to be an author, let this be well deserved writing gift.

Also, the character Joy talks to is heavily inspired by calamity, wrath of the gods, just saying so I don’t get ouefed.

Chapter 1: From the harsh forest, to a calming garden

Chapter Text

Fate has not been kind to Joy. On the contrary, it has been very cruel and seems to have its thumb pressed down on her. Her parents taken away, and the very camp left behind under siege by forces both mundane and magical. Despite this, Joy has shown strength alongside her friends as she fights this two front conflict.

Of course, catching the eyes of many strange beings and creatures. Some wish to corrupt her. Others wish to feast upon her soul. Others still want to see if they can just get her to move along to do mortal things while magic does what it does best. And on top of all that, the Guardians plot and scheme to get rid of her and her friends, seeing them as pests encroaching upon their sacred havens. Even if it meant spilling blood and lengthening the divide between man and magic.

But one being looks on with, curiosity? A lonely being, who has had their fair share of agenda and betrayal. Of misguided zeal and veiled ignorance. Perhaps, a friendly, outside hand, is necessary.

Joy woke up with a groan, and about three cricks in her backside. One behind her head, one in her spine, and one in her left leg. She could’ve sworn this was the bed at the counselor cabin and-

Not some white pearly stairs…?

She instinctively jumps up, startled. She’s alone, standing in the middle of floating white stairs. They were even without rails, yet, Joy felt enclosed between the steps nonetheless.

“Dylan?!” She cries out, worried for her brother. It was one thing to have her brother taken from her, as if enough wasn’t taken already. But to be the one taken, and to leave him behind? That was a pain too far.

“Iris, Kyle? Liz? Anybody…?” Her voice dies as her fear grows. The friends she grew to love and respect, are also absent, and such voids built out of survival and perseverance are great wounds indeed.

She gazes out into the open, beige sky. It’s as if sunset and sunrise morphed into a mockery of blotchy skin. Below, was a black void, and heaven knows what was at the top of the stairs. It was either climb, or fall.

But to hell with the void, “below” meant earth. Where her friends were. Where her brother was. And that was enough for a decision as she bolted down.

Unfortunately, as she raced down the white stairs, they flowed under her. No matter how hard she ran, the stairs moved, not her. Feeling frustrated, yet defeated, she turned upwards. She took one step, and the stairs remained still as she moved up.

“… goddamnit.” She muttered.

As Joy climbed the steps, her mind raced faster.

‘Am I dead?’ She thought, frantic about how her brother would survive now that he lost even more family. She barely held herself together, given that her mental state isn’t exactly in tip top shape. As a matter of fact, it’s miraculous she hasn’t gone mad.

The camp, her friends, and to an extent, the magical folk all weighed on her mind as she trudged up the steps. But the end to the white steps were near and she pushed through. She didn’t even care at that point as she fell onto…

Soft, firm dirt and fresh grass?

Joy just, turned onto her back, breathing heavily. But the sky now looked beautiful. It was rich in nebula and stars, cloaked in a deep blue night sky. And the stars seemed to dance. But she looked closer.

Fireflies, almost like living stars, flew in patterns, their bodies having light bridge to each other making small constellations. They noticed Joy, and formed a few she would recognize. Who else but her gang, and a few for her own face.

Joy was, lost, of course. And she could barely hang onto reality before lovely song notes hit her ears. She sat up, and saw a big gray owl with deep blue eyes cooing at her before lifting off to sing with its friends. Joy’s gaze followed the owl to the rest of…

‘Rest of where?’ She thought.

The expanse before her was a garden. At least, she thought so. Beautiful flowers and strange plants grew everywhere, and the water was in small, tame ponds of water so clear it was as if the nebula rained down and collected in liquid form. It was beautiful and peaceful.

Joy didn’t know whether to cry or be in awe. Magic has hurt her before, thus she treaded very lightly. She reached for her journal, sketching as much as she could. But, her compass was losing its mind. The needle darting this way and that as it tried to make sense of wherever Joy was.

‘No matter’ She casted the compass’ worry aside as she wrote down the place. And, her feet began to walk. She could breathe and explore, but it quickly ended when in the middle of the garden…

She saw the tree. And a figure with their back turned as they plucked pink apples from it. Their back was to her, but she could see robes flowing in all the wrong ways as if collapsing upon each other and phasing through. The hands that plucked seemed more of marble than of skin. And the face?

A lotus flower blooming, with a crown of moths.

Joy flinched and reeled back, unsettled by the flower’s, gaze? Her hand reached for her pocketknife, but she didn’t draw it. Just, reassurance that whatever fight would happen, she wouldn’t go out easy.

“Joyline Kalea Martins” Said the flower, a voice up in pitch and almost off key.

“Who are you?” Asked Joy, her breath steadying, but her tone still unsure.

“The strangest thing, I never had a name. I have been given names, but, none ever came from my own mind.” The flower answers back, calm as can be.

“…figures. Not even a favorite?” Joy retorts, finding her footing.

“No, though I admit, Joyline, is rather curious.”

The voice has split in two. One half remains the same, but the other is a violent echo in Joy’s mind. She takes her stance, knife gripped at her side but not yet out.

“What are you?”

“A gardener for now, for I have seen the likes of the world and have found my place.”

“… uh huh…” That was as good of an understanding that Joy could give.

“And now, you have been brought. Be it Fate or Fortune, your task has been at hand.”

“But we are alike, and we have both made our gardens.” This time the hidden voice did not speak, and Joy’s mind cleared again. “Though small, you have picked the flowers with a gentle hand and a cautious mind and now provide them due shade as their tree.”

“You mean my friends…” Joy inquired.

“Yes. Dylan is of family, so he is like a sapling. You are the same as family, yet you had to grow much faster. Yet, you have returned cruelty with benevolence, sheltering him, rather than scorning him. Iris is the vibrant petunia that has shown through on days of despair. Kyle is the calming daisy that has eased your straining soul. Liz is the black iris that, despite her wild nature, has remained steadfast and loyal.” The voice seems musical and almost happy.

“You should be proud of such a garden…” The voice stops, seeing Joy sitting at a lake, hugging her knees.

“How? How can I be, proud?” Joy’s voice began to break. “I never wanted this, I never, I would never drag anyone to go through what I-we’ve all had to deal with… what kind of monster drags their friends through hell?”

“Do you have any idea? Being hunted, hated, and damn near killed? Huh?!” Joy’s grief overwhelmed her as she stood up to the gardener.

“Why? Why?! I know I’m not good, I, I’ve lost that feeling for a while… just, can’t I find peace? What did I do? What did anyone do to deserve that?! Heh, no wonder, I’ve grown to be this angry, this bitter. It’s not like the world was sweet in the first place…” She darkly chuckles at that last bit.

Joy just crumples down, laying flat and staring up at the sky.

“You say I made a garden? It’s infested with weeds then. Choking my friends and myself for something beyond what we can give.” She almost snarls.

“And yet, you’ve noticed them.”


“You have kept your flowers safe. But you’ve also chosen which flowers to keep. Even the most beautiful rose is a weed in a cabbage patch. You have picked out through this world and have found treasures. And no thorn, thicket, or vine could snare them away from you. After all, ancient beings have failed, yes?”

“It’s not, all me. Heh, half of the trouble is this necklace…” Joy tenderly traces the necklace.

“And, you have handled it better than most. Believe me, child, that such a power you have has been misused before. I should know, for I was there when the breach broke between Thought and Matter. And, well, the magical’s hatred of humanity stems from another source. Man was not the first to incite aggression, they’re just eerily similar to the ones who did.”

“What the hell…?” Joy muttered as she sat up. She saw the flower almost gazing off towards the nebula.

“But, what’s done is done, and it seems, that I am satisfied with what has transpired.”

Joy just skeptically gazes at the flower, still sitting.

“And now you will return to your garden. But, not without a small gift.” The flower bestows her a small basket of the same apples from the center tree.

“A good apple, that has fallen right beside the two trees known as her parents.”

Joy takes it warily, and a weak “Thank you” is all that’s uttered. She closes her eyes, as fatigue overtakes her.

“…Joy? JOY! SHE’S BACK!” A young voice cried out.

Joy snaps awake, basket in hand, and she finds herself back in the cabin, though a tackle from Dylan knocks her back down. But surprise gives way to, well, joy, as she just hugs her brother in silent gratitude. Sure enough, the rest of her gang piled on top of her, and she never felt more happy.

“Magical stuff, boss?” Liz asked.

“Magical stuff.” Said a tired Joy.

And so she told of her visit to the others, though her breakdown was left buried in intentional amnesia. She spoke of the flower and the garden, and that, well, they were her garden.

“How cheeky.” Sneered Valerie, who sauntered in. “Just, next time ask it if this whole guardian mess can fade instead of passing around fruit.”

She picks up a pink apple, but her bite turns her face sour. “Ech! See? Can’t trust anyone…”

But as she leaves, Iris plucks an apple, and her face melted upon the sweet and crispy nature of the apple. Liz followed suit, and Dylan munched on his own as Kyle passed one to Joy as he fetched on for himself. It needed not be special, but it made them all feel much better. Almost, a small boost up.

And as the gang split, and Joy picked up the empty basket, she spots two things. One, the apple Val bit rotted and steamed away. Two, was a small note in the basket, with leaves sewn together.

It was a strange symbol, with an eye in the middle surrounded by small nubs, with two lines, one on top, and one below, with the lower line connected to an incomplete circle where the nubs stem from.

‘Let this humble token be graced by your necklace, and with this, you will find the other gardens I have etched into the universe. Let them be sanctuary in times of danger. After all, to the flowers, they pray.’

Chapter 2: Bonding over a Battle


With Valerie captured after a patrol gone wrong, Liz gets the help of Joy to save her.


I don’t know if they fight in the plot originally but some camps do have archery so that’s a major assumption with the likes of Joy and Liz’s combat abilities. Also, Magic Misfits reference and this whole scenario from rdr2.

Chapter Text

Joy calmed her breathing, and straightened her back. She stood still as she aimed the bow at the target. Her right arm smoothly pulling back the string, and her left hand holding the bow steady.

And with a twang and a swish, the arrow pierced into the target, right in the white next to the bullseye.

She sighs a bit, though more out of focus than disappointment. It was a calm day, so she figured she would get practice in and keep herself ready for whatever the woods would drag her into. Even then, it’s not always about killing, as arrows can reach where her pocketknife can’t.

But as she drew from her quiver, she heard a commotion back towards the camp, so she ran to the target and plucked her arrow before heading back. However, she kept her bow in hand.

As she gets closer, she sees a battered Liz being surrounded by her friends. And now Joy was worried. Liz was carefree and was usually alone without much issue. To see Liz of all people frightened, well, does no one any favors.

“Liz! Liz, what’s wrong?” Said Joy, right as she got to the group.

“They got Val, boss!” Liz said worriedly. “We were scouting Lava Realm, and some fire freaks took her! I don’t know what they’ll do to her! I don’t know, maybe fry her!”

“… here’s hoping.” Even Joy was surprised that came out but her self surprise stays hidden.

“Joy?! What the hell?” Liz shoved past the gang and up to Joy.

“What? You know how I feel about her, Liz. Besides, for all the trouble she likes to stir up she had something coming for a while now.” As Joy rebutted, Kyle and Iris felt a bit conflicted. On one hand, Val wasn’t the best to be around, but she was still on their side.

“Boss, come on. She’d do the same for you!”

“I highly, doubt that.”

“Joy… please, I am asking.” Liz pleaded, taking Joy’s hand in both of hers.

Joy’s eyes locked onto Liz, and her heartstrings got tugged as Liz’s black eyes were pained and stressed. To Joy, well, it was like a goddamn mirror. And then her mind cleared a bit more. Liz doesn’t trust most adults, and Val’s the closest thing she has as someone to look up to beyond Flora. Joy, could relate. She couldn’t save the adults that mattered to her, but now she has an opportunity to help another.

“Fine. But for you. Not for her.” Joy answered, tightening her grip as an unspoken promise.

Liz silently presses her forehead to Joy’s, and loosens her hands.

“Alright boss, let’s head out.”

“We? I thought I was handling this. I’d ask you where once we start patching you up-“

“Hey, I can lead you there better than a map. And besides, someone once told me that she’d ‘never give a task to someone else that she wasn’t willing to do herself.’ I’m coming with, boss.”

“Alright, alright. Then, we’re using the bike?”

“Hell yeah the bike! It’s actually still stocked enough, after all, it’s just Val, missing…” Liz weakened a bit at that last part. “But! We’re gonna get her. Come on!”

The bike was a purple and black hog with a passenger car with red flames and pointed front with the name “Val’s dagger” on the side.

“I see you got an upgrade?” Said Joy, secretly admiring the work.

“Yeah, Val liked it, and she needed somewhere to sit.”

As Joy sat in the seat with her quiver and bow to the side, she saw Liz strap on her own quiver and composite bow. Joy’s bow was a simple summer camp bow, with a few modifications to make it decent in survival. Liz however, sticks to a composite bow. She likes tinkering with it and it matches her lavender quiver. ‘Watched Hawkeye’ she says.

As the two raced off, Joy couldn’t help but gaze at Liz. She felt, proud, in a sense. Even though it was Val of all people who Liz wanted to save, Joy looked past that and appreciated the nobility in the rebel. And, in a deeper part of herself, Joy found the loyalty a bit inspiring. Even better was that Liz offered to tag along to face the same horrors just so Joy had a better chance.

But, to put that in words, was not Joy’s strong suit. So she sat in a reflective silence.

As the forest trees began to turn black and the leaves began to spark and char, Lava Realm was close. The two hopped off the bike and crept along the cracked obsidian and dusty ash. Each taking with them their bows, quivers, and a walkie talkie. Better a quick and easy ‘copy’ then a magical crystal that might just be accessible by everyone else in the realm.

Joy followed Liz as they crept through the realm, and sure enough, a small party of Ignesions built a lowly refuge. The clearing now obvious as the twisted trees were turned into a makeshift town of sorts, leaving the Ignesions to wander about and plan. Well, however magma golems plan, anyway.

Liz kept her eyes out and when they fell on a small wooden cage cart, she saw Valerie. Rather, her hands and face snarling outside to no one in particular. Her hope now matched her fear, and she taps Joy.

“There. In that cart. What’s the play?”

“… get the bike, and when I free her, I’ll signal for you to fetch us both.” She taps her walkie-talkie.

“Boss, I said I’m coming with you-“

“You did, and now I need you to be ready to haul us all out. Besides, it’ll be easier without Val worrying about you.”

“She ain’t gotta be worrie-“

“Liz, please. You’re the only one that can drive that bike.”

“I don’t like what you're implying, boss.”

“Liz. Go.” Joy put her hand on Liz’s shoulder.

And Liz just gave her a nod, and crept back to the bike.

Joy snuck down to the town, sliding down a hill of soot and sneaking behind shoddy buildings. She reaches the cart, and Val notices her.

“Joy? Is that you?” Val almost couldn’t believe it.

“Hello doll. Heard you and Liz had fun out here.” Joy’s tone seemed playful, at the worst time.

“You gonna get me out of here?” Val hastened.

“I, I haven’t decided yet actually.” Joy leaned back on the wheel of the cart.

“Very funny…” Val sneered.

“I’m not joking. For all the sh*t you’ve put my friends through these past few weeks, I now get to see you get what you deserve.” Joy snarled back. Half of her wanted this, and it seems she was giving this side fair exposure.

“Come on… you gotta let me out.” Val repeated.

“Why?” Bluntly went Joy.

“Well, as close as Liz and I are, I’ve grown to respect you, Joy.”

“Well, that’s mistake number one.” Joy said, though that was more aimed at herself. “Besides, this whole lot prolly knows you belong here, and they’ll burn us both once you’re out.”

“… I uh, well…” It seems Val was flat footed.

But Joy had a small plan cooking. “Simple, make your escape, and I’ll cover you. Follow where I head to, and Liz will pick us both up, alright?”

She passed Val her pocket knife to wear down the bars as Joy headed back out to the hill. She reached into her satchel, and some lovely smoke grenades in a net bag were pulled out. Heh, amazing what you can buy at a magic shop.

She ties them to an arrow, aimed high, and let loose. As that arrow flew upwards she shot another at the bag, bursting it open as the smoke grenades fell back down. The balls scattered onto the town and soon it erupted in smoke, with Ignesions panicking and stumbling.

But, Val had other plans, she was seen having the time of her life picking up fire elemental weapons and going on a vengeful spree.

“VAL!” Joy raced back down, despite her hand pressing the walkie talkie. She knows that Liz just got summoned prematurely, but…

God damn it.

Joy fired an arrow here and there as she made her way to Val. “What are you doing?! Liz is up back there!”

“They got something of mine! I ain’t leaving without it!” Val’s manic personality broke out again. It seems freedom does that to ya. She bursts into one of the poorly constructed tents, and when she broke out, she had what she lost. A intricate recurved bow with serrated arrows in the blood red quiver.

“PAYBACK TIME!” Val let loose, watching as her arrows gored out magma from the Ignesions.

Joy could only provide back up in a sense of survival for both of them. But as she heard a bike engine roaring, she saw Liz pop out from the smoke in the bike.

“Boss! Val! Come on!” She cried.

“Hello, love!” Val hopped in her passenger car, and Joy hopped behind Liz.

“Go!” Joy yelled.

Liz put the pedal to the medal as Val picked off any stragglers to the right and Joy aimed to their sides to cover the left.

Once the trees were a healthy brown and crisp green, only then did they stop. Joy just got off the bike and collapsed, while Liz got up to hug Val.

“Val! You’re alive!”

“Course I am! Well, Joy here did help with that. Oh! That reminds me. Here, as a token of my gratitude.” Val hands Liz a small Lava Realm emblem.

“And for you, Joy.” She plops the pocketknife next to her.

“Alright, come on! We’ll take you back.” Liz said as she helps Joy up.

“Yeah, here we were having a calm day before helping you shoot up a whole scouting party!” Snapped Joy.

“Eh, I can’t go back unless I give Flora a little peace offering. After all, I must make amends, right? Think of it this way, Liz dear. You and I are like sisters. And sometimes, sisters make mistakes.” Val seems to have completely dismiss Joy.

Joy simply sits in the seat, tired.

“Don’t worry about me, Liz. Tell ya what? I’ll signal you for your help.” She holds up the pick pocketed walkie-talkie.

Liz could only beam before heading back on the bike.

“You got it!” She cheered, before driving off with a tired Joy.

As the two returned, and told of what happened, Joy just tried to head into the cabin, but not before Liz stopped her.

“Thank you boss. I mean it. And hey, I’ll help Val get around. You know you can count on me.”

“Heh, you I can clearly count on. Val? Heh, gonna need a lot more magic.”

Chapter 3: Frozen in Fear part 1


Rdr2 thing again and also, cliffhanger ooooooo

Chapter Text

Val and Liz were in the process of planning something. Of course, knowing Val, most kids would steer clear of it or at least handle it with as much caution as Kyle handles his morning routine.

But Liz is, well, Liz. And she tends to stick to the red eyed warrior closer than most would realize. Or attempt to. Besides, it didn’t stop her from confiding in Val at her cabin as of right now.

“Alright, so you’re sure that Joy’s been through all of these realms?” Val asked.

“Yep, heh, I should know, I followed her through them all.” Liz reassures.

“Ah, well, then that means each of the guardians at least has an idea of what her little squad is. Thing is, I’m sure you’ve heard all their whining about you guys.” Val states, with a hint of teasing.

“Yeah, but hey, boss got us all out. And besides, it ain’t her fault the guardians want us dead.”

“Of course not,” Val quickly soothed, “But we can’t have you all be walking targets. That’s why, I figured I should be… diplomatic.” The word almost sounded wrong coming from Val, then again, one does not expect sweetness to leave a snake’s mouth.

“Really…?” Liz raised an eyebrow.

“I said I would make amends, didn’t I? And above all, I owe it to you. Am I not what you see as a big sister? I must play the part.” Val cranked up the emotional plea.

And Liz, while she didn’t eat it up, it certainly peaked her appetite.

“Sure, I guess. But then, what are you actually suggesting?”

“Well, since I’ve lived in the forest for so long, I know which guardians we should start with to calm tensions. And I say, we start with the Snow Realm. Edur may be colder than a corpse, but even he can hear logic. Trust me, it’ll be better without him nipping at our toes.”

“Alright, I’ll get boss in on this and-“

“Hang on,” Val interjected “As much as I love Joy, and I do, I believe she is too, callous for this. Besides, we can’t have the leader upfront in such a small negotiation. Why do you think I’m volunteering? You’ll be my back up, of course, if things go south. But we need eyes, not a mouth.” Val’s words snaked between logic and preference.

“So… who else then?” Liz pressed the question.

Val had to think about this. Dylan was a nuisance, and not reliable to follow orders unless her precious sister reins him in. Kyle, while a people pleasing yes man for authority, is also too flat-footed in pressing situations. And Yuri? That little coward just mingles with that mybrid and reads all day. And, Joy might catch onto-

“Val?” Liz asked

“Hang on…” Val thought a bit harder. She got it! Iris. Yeah, she would do. Just. Nicely.

“I got it, Liz, we will take Iris along with us. After all, since she’s on lookout, she’s the most reliable to not move too much.” Val rushed her reasoning.

“Well, if she’s available, then sure.” Liz headed out of the cabin.

As Val watched her, puppet, yes, that’s the word…

As Val watched her puppet leave, her eyes hardened back into the cruel, venomous glaze. And waited, like a snake coiling, for when Liz returned with the hapless fool.

Liz knocked on the camp’s wood shop door.

“It’s open.” A cheery voice called out.

Liz smirked as she opened the door, and her eyes fell on Iris. Liz may love to tinker with her bike and bow, but she learnt it all from Iris, who was the true tinkerer of the team. Right now, Iris was adding the finishing touches to her crossbow, with glue gun in hand as she holds down the rider and limbs on the front. With a small grunt of effort, and a push down, the crossbow was complete. She gave it one last inspection, with a proud smile of hard work.

“Liz!” She sang, putting her crossbow to the side. “Do you need something?”

“Well, actually, Val and I were about to head out on a mission and she thought it would be best for you to watch our backs.” Liz almost seemed like Kyle in this instance. Then again, for all the adults that Kyle looks up to, Liz only has a fraction of that. Liz loved her friends, but Val seemed a bit more to her. Val was an older, freer version. Someone who did what she wanted cuz she damn well felt like it. Sure, she had much sharper edges, but if Joy could look past her own, then she should take after her boss and look past Val’s right?

Iris being Iris simply heard that Liz needed her, and that’s all she needed.

“Sure, Liz. I’ll watch your back.” She says as she hides her glue gun and slings her crossbow around her back.

Liz beams and fist bumps Iris as she leads her to the cabin where Val was waiting. Val’s red eyes gleamed seeing Iris was up front and center. Like an offering of sorts.

“Ah, so little miss sunshine is available.” She softly jeers as she stands up and leans down towards Iris.

“Of course. Liz said you needed my help. I couldn’t refuse.” Iris simply replies, her light brown eyes contrasting Val’s blood red gaze.

‘Wow’, Val thought, ‘this’ll be easier than I thought’

“Well then, we ride out girls.” Val almost seemed like a cheery teen out for a night with her friends, if only.

She led them outside the camp, and into the forest.

“Hey Val, we ain’t taking the bike?” Liz asked.

“Snow isn’t the best to drive on. And waiting out at the border of the realms isn’t the best way to have someone watch out for us. Isn’t that right?” Val looked at Iris.

“Hm, it appears Val has a point, Liz. But! I’m sure she knows what we’re up against.” Iris’ hope shines through as always.

“You got it,” Val played along, “Liz and I can handle ourselves, and you would be able to get away hopefully undetected.”

Liz nodded along because it was Val saying it, and Iris nodded because she thoroughly trusted Val.

And finally, when the air chilled and the grass began to grow crisp with small flakes of snow and ice. The trees’ oak blackened and the leaves went from deciduous to evergreen pines.

The snow realm was reached. The land opened up to them, with walls of ice surrounding the land like a shattered snow globe.

Of course, the three had their cold weather gear prepared. Liz wore her leather jacket with a purple scarf. Val had her usual mask but with a fur coat that mysteriously looked real.

And Iris donned her wool sweater, sewn with different patches of colors.

“Iris,” Val ordered, “See those pines near the cliff? You’ll be positioned there. Only fire if we’re in trouble, though, I’m sure you’ll see it coming.”

Iris nodded as she snuck off towards the pines. Liz meanwhile followed Val. She unfolded her composite bow as Val drew her recurve bow.

They trudged through the snow until they saw the Eternal Glacier. It was a massive wall of ice, but carved with the likes of a palace and bastion all in one.

And at the gaping maw, where icicles formed teeth at the arch, walked out a powerful guardian.

Edur. His skin was deathly pale and his hair and eyes more white than the snow ever could be. His staff was of solid ice with what seemed like a blizzard held back by a gem at the top. His white antlers, sharpened and clean, grew from his head, while his hood and robes dropped heavily behind him.

He walked slowly, his joints as if locked by the cold, and every step was as if ice broke in sizes small and large. But what moved faster were his guards of solid ice, and Frostbites crawled at his side like guard dogs.

And when he spoke, it was a dry, cold tone. Not lifeless, but nowhere what one would call alive.

“…you are not… the one who came. Not… the one… who disturbed the peace… of my kind….”

“Edur, I simply wish to extend a peace offering.” Val’s voice had no malice in it, and instead, a strange amount of respect laced her voice. Liz noticed, but she understood quickly, and remained at Val’s side. Silent but ready.

“Humans… do not bring peace… it would be foolish… to expect such a luxury… from the likes… of those that… break. Their. Word.”

“They have shown me kindness, and yet I am of the forest. Am I not?” Val challenged, “If you wish to avoid conflict, why not hear my plea and leave them be. After all, is it peace you want? Or vengeance.”

“… do not patronize me… for my charge is under my protection… and rule. However… your voice rings true… and I must see wisdom… rather than anger…”

As the discussion continued, Iris simply laid prone as she kept her eyes on Edur. She heard nothing, but she kept aiming at the guardian nonetheless. Her bolts wouldn’t do much, but whatever she could to buy time for her friends, she would do it. After all, Joy would, she thought.

But, she heard snow crunch behind her, and as she turned around…

A cudgel of ice was brought down on her head. And black was all she saw.

Chapter 4: Frozen in Fear part 2


Hope is frozen and tested. Though, not yet lost.


There’s a part three don’t worry.

Chapter Text

Iris groaned as she opened her eyes, but they quickly widened when she found out where she was. She was in a chair. Well, ice carved out to be a chair. The corners were uncomfortable and the frozen cuffs even more so, pinning her hands on the slabs of ice.

Her crossbow was nowhere to be seen. But… something was still available to her.

But she couldn’t play any cards yet. She had to find out what was going on. Apart from her capture.

Wait. Capture…

Iris' heart raced at the thought of Liz and Val being hurt as well. However, she managed to convince herself that whatever happened was isolated to her, and if Val and Liz weren’t compromised, they are either at camp, or planning to rescue her.

She hoped… she always did hope.

She soon heard what felt like stomping, but it was instead Edur’s own slow walk. Each step was ice pounding the floor like a mallet, but with a deep echo as the sounds bounced along the walls. He entered the chamber Iris was held in, which was like the inside of an igloo, only packed with ice instead of small snow cubes.

“Human…” croaked Edur, “Yes… you were of the original five…”

“Hello…?” Iris tried to remain polite, if heavily nervous.

“Errrrrrr….” Edur simply growled. “Strange… trying to be polite when one intrudes… as if… trying to make right… and intended wrong. Is it deception… or foolishness…”

He suddenly leans very close to Iris, his white eyes locked onto her.

“One way…. Or another… I will find out… why you entered my home…”

“Well uh, Val believed that- AH!” Iris was interrupted as a spike of ice pierced her foot. It started fast, but quickly slowed down as it reached halfway up her thigh. It was a small blade of sorts, with red running down the frozen blue. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth, sharply inhaling and letting out another sound of pain.

“Not… now. But then… with the others… like you…” Edur said, without any reaction at all.

“You mean… when I came with Joy?” Iris said, a few tears in her eyes.

“Joy… hm… and what… does Joy want… with my realm?” Edur’s curiosity broke through, with as much pleasantry as a ice cold rock.

“Want? I’m not sure-“ Iris again interrupted by a spike in her other foot, same speed, same red running down. “Gaagh!” Her legs tensed up, every small rearrangement meant that the blades tore a little bit more.

“No human… comes here… to the forest… without wanting something… we guardians… have already been… deceived once.”

“Joy doesn’t want anything… She's just trying to understand the forest to keep us safe.” Iris had to take a minute to breathe in and out to stabilize her pain. “She’s not the devil you make her out to be. Aren’t you doing the same thing protecting your home?”

At that, Edur made two spikes erupt, one for each of Iris’ hands. Her screams echoed in the chamber and into the Eternal Glacer, and now her tears ran a bit clearer, almost freezing before they hit the ground.

“I… do protect… my home. From the likes… of you. And. Joy…” Edur’s snarl was like a snowstorm. “And even us guardians… know to remove… pests…”

His eyes sparkled, and the ice in Iris’ feet and hands started to glow, quickly freezing her limbs. Her legs felt numb, but her light brown eyes withered at the frostbite overtaking her hands.

“Piece…” Snapped her left ring finger

“By piece…” Snapped her right index finger

Both fell to the floor, shattering…

Iris could only look on in a pained shock, but then Edur grabbed her by the throat and ripped her from the chair. The spikes on her hands broke off, but the spikes at her feet cut through, leaving her shoes a torn mess. God knows what happened to her feet.

“… hm… as tempting… as it would be… to gloat… I am not lowly enough to… stoop… to a human’s level…”

Edur tossed Iris to the back wall of the igloo, her body hitting the ice with a harsh thud. As for Iris, she was simply in a cold shock. Shuddering, and curled up as tears and muddled cries were the only sign she was conscious. The cold grip of Edur burned into Iris’ throat, leaving a pained blue where healthy skin should be.

“… do hope… that you are much more… gracious… with what you know. Otherwise… I’ll take what’s left of… you.”

Edur stumbles away, and Iris remains crumpled. Her bleeding hands were now a sickly purple and black. And as the blood that flowed froze into a dark brown, so too did Iris’ vision fade to black. Hope was swallowed in a cold embrace.

But… there was a witness.

A horrified Bambi watched from the rear window. Who knew that collecting snow cones went so horribly wrong? They scrambled, leaving behind the scooped up snow and fruit.

And ran for the forest’s border.

Chapter 5: The Forest Grows Curious


The likes of Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are not the only elements that compose the earth. Nor are they the only aspects of the universe to interact with the likes of man.


Finally something ain’t rdr2 amirite?

Chapter Text

Joy tossed and turned in her sleep. Unfortunately, that wasn’t anything new. Dodging death, magical harm, and innocent kids just wanting a summer camp experience really tears at your sanity. But leave it to Joy’s rotten luck that what now pesters her, is none of those.

She finds herself in a black void, but her little star glows bright. It soon snaps off, darting past her reach as she tries to snatch it back. It zigs, zags, and darts before stopping in front of her face.

And, as if mercury were leaking out of a flask, a silver square forms below the star. It tilts onto a corner so it’s now more of a diamond.

The two shapes snap back onto her necklace. They also snap her awake too.

“Ga-!” Joy sat up, clutching where her necklace would normally be. But as her hand hit her chest with nothing but air in her palm, she remembered that she left it in a small, Iris-stitched pocket behind her headboard. An unorthodox place for sure, but you never know who may try to snatch it. Well, Joy has a few ideas

As she feels for it, her hand traces the familiar star pattern, and twitches when the square is felt. She yanks the necklace out, fear overtaking sentimental reverence as she stares at it. That damn silver square…

Joy’s eyes sharpened, but tiredness smoothed them back as she placed the necklace back, laid back down, and entered a more suitable sleep.

When she awoke, she wasted no time getting prepared. From a lukewarm camp facility shower to the pancakes that had too much flour, nothing was distracting Joy’s focus. This time, the necklace remained in her hand as she kept it jammed in her pant pocket right next to her pocket knife. She wanders the camp site, looking for Flora.

And she found her mentor, sitting at the leaning tree towards the forest. She heard Joy coming, and her eyes held a knowing look and a tired, apologetic expression.

“The necklace?” She guessed.

“How… how did-?” Joy started.

“The forest grows curious, Joy. Curious of you and the others. Rather, the ones who hide in the forest do.”

“What do you mean? ‘Curious’ hasn’t been the best word for all the realms so far.” Joy’s cynicism leaked. “Nothing but attempted murder and revenge.”

“True, Joy. But the world is not only of the four elements, now is it? In fact, to stop at four has always been a convenient ignorance for us all.” Softly countered Flora.

“… there’s more?” Joy’s voice teetered between fear and sarcasm.

“Yes, but, whereas the struggles of good and evil engulfed the realms of fire, earth, air, and water with its companions… Other realms have found isolation. Until, well, another human has decided to poke her head into the forest.” She winks at Joy.

“Hey.” Joy deadpanned.

“Hmm…” Flora gently hummed and giggled. “I understand your weariness, but if I were to guess what lies ahead, perhaps fear will not be the lead this time. Although, I am unsure who exactly has opened up to the forest once more. May I see the necklace, Joy?”

As Joy carefully holds out the necklace, Flora studies the square. “Four realms, I see. Could be anything, really… I fear that our dreams only share that new paths have opened, but left out the destination.”

“…oh joy.” Said Joy.

“Hm… perhaps joy indeed.” Flora sounded hopeful.

“Cool! New realms, sis?” Dylan yelled as Joy called in her squad together for a meeting. They sat in the treehouse, like birds flocked in a huddle.

“Has Flora told you anything else helpful?” Kyle asked, of course hinging on an adult’s opinion to decide on his own.

“Wherever it is, we got your back boss.” Liz pats Joy on the back.

“I agree. We haven’t stopped before, and we won’t stop now. Besides, we may gain allies if what Flora said is right.” Iris was now the one singing hope. Then again, it was her forte besides tinkering.

“Well, whatever these realms are, we play more cautiously then. If Flora’s wary, then we have to treat this the same. She makes them seem unfamiliar, so we might have to play a lot more constructively.” Joy mused.

“Oooo! Maybe Thingy knows?” Dylan suggested.

And the rest of the group very worriedly agreed with what the ball of energy said.

Only to be left disappointed when he was nowhere to be found. Not even at Yuri’s side, though Bambi was dragging him through the garden last time everyone checked.

The gang set off once again into the forest. At first, the paths seemed familiar. Heavy breezes blew the trees that led to Air Realm, and ash and soot sprinkled where Lava Realm laid ahead.

But deeper into the woods, did the square glow.

Joy led the front, with Dylan right behind her. Iris held the middle, with Kyle behind her and Liz covering the rear of the unit. The silver square shone brighter, and suddenly it was as if the trees were commanded to move. They spring up from their roots and crawled like octopi to make a path.

Or, a few rather.

The paths numbered four, each breaking off as it did with the original elemental paths.

“Dylan and I will take the far right. Iris, Kyle, take the center two. Liz takes the far left. Only record what the path contains. Do NOT go into the realm. Understand?” Joy commanded.

“Ok sis!” Nods Dylan, bouncing up and down just a tiny bit.

“Right.” Iris plucks a small device out of her bag. It’s a small stand of sorts, but a lone center antenna shoots upwards. Everyone soon brings out their little safety ring with their thread and places it down the antenna. Red for Joy, blue for Dylan, pink for Iris, orange-yellow for Kyle, and purple for Liz.

“Sure.” Iterated Kyle.

“Ya got it boss.” Liz salutes.

As the gang split up, the paths started off as deep dark woods. Being so far in the forest, the shade was richer and the trees more numerous. Even with their recent uprooting, the trees seemed, calmer. Far from human or guardian influences, they seemed like how trees are often depicted. Old, wise, and calm, with the breeze dancing their leaves.

“Sis, why are you sticking me with you again?” Dylan asked, a hint of whining at play.

“Because knowing you, you’d bolt for whatever new stuff is there. Regardless of our past experiences.” Joy answered, eyes forward.

“Aw, cmon, it can’t be bad, right? Why not spice things up-“

“Dylan, please, let’s not make new messes. The guardians already think we caused one, let’s not make two.” Joy seemed to shut down Dylan, out of hope he’d take it in stride.

As Dylan pouted, he saw movements to his left and right.

“Sis…?” He whimpered.

“What?” Joy looked back at him, but then her eyes followed his gaze, only to see nothing there.

But when Dylan tugged her hand to move her towards him, she got a better view.

It was her, well, a heavily warped, her. The tree was an impossible mix of glass and wood as her shape morphed through the tree.

As Joy walked further down the trailer, the trees began to look like stained glass, reflecting her and her brother, before the clearing opened up to a canyon of reflective glass.

She held Dylan’s hand tight, and immediately headed back.

Iris hummed along the path, the little sunshine making her way through the trees. She paid attention, sure, but her mind got lost admist the repeated ‘pat pat pat’ of twigs and dirt and leaves-

But her shoe met clean smooth metal, and she snapped back to reality. The trees looked plated, as if someone tried to replace the trees with some manufactured copycat.

Further down, the clearing opened up to an overstretching plain of flat gray metal. Even weirder, the land seemed to fold on itself, with massive sheets of ore and blades folding in on each other like a mess of wires up close.

She noted it down, and headed back.

Kyle was getting nervous as his path kept on going without any signs of unfamiliarity. Surely something would have popped out by now, right? The trees kept looking like trees and the path just kept looking like dirt.

Except by now the trees seemed healthier, and richer. But they also looked like big branches. Soon, the dirt pathway was torn by entangled roots that embraced each other between the trees. As Kyle carefully wobbled along the path, the clearing opened up to a massive tree. But not as the center of a park, but as a giant spire. One that would put redwoods to shame and challenge the mountains.

The trees around him were mere saplings and branches to the tree further beyond. It was a magnificent bulk of wood while the green vines and leaves adorned every once of the top.

Kyle tripped along the roots as he ran back to the others.

Liz’s path started off fine, but the path seemed to take jagged turns, as if taking the path of least resistance but guessing each time. Nevertheless, she marched on.

Until the smell of ozone and metallic taste hit her senses. She looked up, seeing clouds. At first, she thought a storm was going to hit and that she needed to head back. But given that her friends did not send any word either, noted by Iris’ device not tugging at her, Liz decided to push on.

Then her feet heard a familiar sound, and she saw that ash sprinkled the ground. Liz was puzzled, as Lava Realm had other cues, but this is the first time that a realm shared something with another.

But there were also charred trees, and Liz began to double check her steps. Then she noticed exactly how the trees were charred. They looked to be hit once, and not engulfed. Burnt, but not completely.

Liz found her footing to press on, but as the clouds darkened, and the trees were shortened into stubs, she found her answer.

The realm before her was a clearing of a plain of crispy black grass, as powerful, loud, and violent lightning struck the ground, erupting it into sparks before dying off into the black. Lightning of all colors made the ground dance in eruption, and trees sang a cacophony of snaps as the thunder chorused its boom. The clouds overhead were a swirl, like a jeering audience hurling anything they could find at the land that supposedly offended them.

Liz was outta there by the fifth strike.

As our friends raced back, Joy’s square brightened and sharpened. Four points turned the tetrahedron into a four edged star.

Four more realms…

And who knows if any guardian, or anything living, watches them.

Chapter 6: Winds of Change part 1


A strange, lanky fella is in Lyra’s place watching over camp. But, perhaps he’s here for a reason.


Hell yeah Jack chapter. But it’s kinda mid my bad.

Chapter Text

Yuri sat alone at the edge of the camp, head buried in his journal as he began to absentmindedly draw the landscape again. His pencil delicately traced the horizon onto the pages, a soft ‘scribble scribble’ whispering into his ears.

But a soft trilling coo reaches him, and he looks up and to the right the tree he was sitting under. It was a plump, white winged dove. It seemed to look at him, head tilted in curiosity.

Yuri stared back with his light blue eyes, sparkling with a lovely opportunity to draw. He slowly turned the page, and his pencil went off as the bird continued to sit right where it was. Birds were often fidgety, flighty fellows, so Yuri counted his blessings like seconds as he hoped his hand could translate the dove into the page without looking down.

But a gust of wind disturbed his focus, and while Yuri was timid, wind wasn’t something he feared.

An elemental on the other hand? Oh yeah. He’s running.

In fact, he immediately dashed upon seeing that the wind took the form of an extremely vague humanoid. Well, the humanoid was a tornado being jammed into a boy’s body. His little legs like an eraser’s blur as he hobbled over the camp fence. After landing face first, he yelled out, “Help! Anybody!”

And, well, Joy was nearby. She too was in her journal, putting down thoughts both good and bad, but Yuri’s voice snapped her out of her self reflection.

“Yuri…?” She worriedly called out, heading towards the fences. She sees the plopped Yuri, now on his back as he looks behind to calm his racing heart.

“Yuri! I’m here, what happened?” She inquired, her heart’s fluttering taking second fiddle to her brain’s logical conclusion to focus first, flirt later.

“Wind elemental! I-it chased me back here-“

Yuri was interrupted as the wind elemental bumped into the fence’s barrier. Confused, it tried again, higher and higher into the sky. It even tried the ground, as detestable as it acted.

But still, it couldn’t pass. Yet the bird crossed the barrier without a hitch, and landed its chubby body on the post.

Joy noticed the bird, but the elemental’s behavior hijacked her thought.

“Well, uh, you’re safe behind the fence. Heh, see? Racing with Dylan was a good idea…” Joy tried her best to comfort and encourage Yuri.

“I, guess so?” Yuri supposed, “but what about that?” He points to the wind elemental. Like a cloud face planting into concrete, it couldn’t pass the barrier.

“Do not worry, you two.” A voice called from the plants as wood grew out and snagged the air elemental. Flora appeared into view, her left hand in a calm, firm grip.

“Nice catch, Flora.” Joy called out, a small smile on her lips.

“Hm…” Flora nodded in thanks, before holding the elemental in front of her. “How odd. I’ve never seen this one before.”

“…you can recognize elementals?” Yuri asked, his heart finally back to normal.

“Yes and no, it just gets easier to pick apart personalities. Then again, this one is a stranger completely. The forest whispered nothing to me about you…” Her attention focused onto the elemental, speaking carefully yet friendly.

As the wind elemental whirled about in the wooden cage as a small, angry tornado, the dove suddenly fluttered about in a panic. It chirped a scared tune as it shot away from the place, leaving the camp for good as it fled to the great big blue.

And a small feather fell back down, and Joy picked it up.

“You know, how about you keep it?” She offered it to Yuri.

“Huh?” Poor thing was oblivious.

“You know, uh, since you led the air elemental and got it trapped uh, it’s a trophy?” ‘Swish’ she thought.

“Oh… ok!” Yuri happily plucks the feather from Joy and uses it as a small bookmark in his journal. He heads off to Kyle, likely for every first aid practice under the sun.

“So, um, Flora? What about it?” She points at the air elemental.

“I am not sure, Joy. Though it is not from the forest, killing it would no doubt only harm us all in the long run. But, I cannot release it yet. It may yet calm down and explain itself.” Flora brought its ear up to the cage, “Ah, my apologies, it’s a him.”

“Ah, I see.” Joy just stated, not really understanding the language of air. Nor how a tornado’s a guy. Then again, she’s seen weirder.

As everyone headed back to their original, or new duties, the dove flies back, heading towards New York. It races with purpose, for its friend has been captured. And one may be able to free him.

“Alright, listen up everyone,” Joy spoke up, surrounded by her four loyal thorns in her side, “Flora has tasked us with exploring the Wind Realm to figure out what the wind elemental is doing out here.”

“Why not just release it? Poor thing might just want to go home.” Iris softly challenged, her heart feeling for the prisoner.

“I think Flora knows what she’s doing. After all, the wind elemental’s been pretty feisty from what she said.” Kyle said, always erring on adults. I mean, caution.

“Val doesn’t have a clue either, I checked with her.” Liz stated, having used up her own source of info.

“So… we can turn it into a forever kite buddy?” Dylan proposed.

The deadpan stares shut that down a bit quicker than he’d hoped.

Joy sighed, “Wind realm it is then. Though, since we’re all headed out, I got Lyra to watch the camp for us.”

“Hah, little spider?” Liz joked, always enjoying the embroidery and crochet that Lyra wore. Or brought.

“Oooo, I hope she’s wearing something new.” Iris too enjoyed Lyra’s creativity.

“Yeah, yeah, come on. Let’s at least fill her in before we head out.” Joy led her group to the front. But everyone felt on edge.

When instead of a sassy art girl, they saw a skinny, lanky young man with jeans, tennis shoes, and a black shirt. His skin was tan, and he had gray eyes. He turned around having spotted them, his own satchel catching up to his actions and landing on his left side of the hip.

“Oh uh,” he started, a bit nervous, “are uh, you um…” he strained to read his folded note, “Joy Martins?”

Joy did not feel at ease, and she felt Dylan cower ever so slightly behind her. Kyle stood a bit straighter, Iris looked on with curiosity.

And Liz? Well, she was blank. A hostile, tense blank. Like a cat you just ran into by accident.

“Yeah… I’m Joy.” She answered, ready to fight off this stranger if he tried-

“Oh perfect! Name’s Jack! Lyra said she needed help watching this camp for a while. Poor thing’s sick, so I volunteered.” Jack, as he said, suddenly lost his nervousness. He now seemed peppy and energetic.

The switch spooked the gang, but seeing as Lyra was at least mentioned by name, they loosened slightly.

“Alright uh…” Jack started, “Don’t tell me. The little fella’s Dylan. Mismatch is Iris, with uh, creamsicle over there being Kyle. And you’re-“

“Liz.” Liz’s voice didn’t have the punk in it. Just a cold reflex. Her black eyes were not helping the glare she was shooting at the oblivious newcomer.

“Got it. Had a hankerin’ ya look like that one lady at the ma-“

“Anyways…” Joy interrupted, hoping Liz didn’t blow a fuse right then and there, “Lyra said you could volunteer?”

“Oh yeah. Poor thing was sneezing every other sentence but, essentially that. Lay-Lay can’t do it. She’s off at the care center.”

‘Who the hell is Lay-Lay?’ Joy thought, before shaking her head and recovering. “Look, can you watch camp or not?”

“Sure! Just, uh, maybe a map? I’ve been here before, it's just that uh, I dunno, just in case?” Jack shrugged.

The vibe with this man just seemed off, and Joy didn’t like it one bit.

“Liz, get him a map.” She ordered, hoping to get Liz some space. Good call, because she was already striding off.

“Whatcha, what y'all doing anyways?” Jack asked, curiosity in his gray eyes as he looked down at the gang.

“Camp stuff.” Dylan lied, “A lotta stuff that the other kids don't know about or it ruins surprises.”

“Oooo! Surprised. Got it.” This Jack fella seemed easily led, and Joy noted to get Lyra a gift for not snitching.

Soon, the heavy steps of a mad Liz brought everyone’s attention. She slammed the map in his chest, circling him as he fumbled with it.

“Oh! See, I was right y’all did have canoeing…” Jack was apparently unaware of the snarling 15 year old, but for the better. Liz just did a weapon check, and he passed.

And the look she shot Joy was a withering plea to get them on their way.

“Alright, just, if you need help, ask Flora.” Joy nearly kicked herself, but hoped Liz told Flora anything while she fetched the map.

The team set off, all shooting looks back at the tall fool who made himself at camp.

“Hello little fella!” Oh god. He bumped into Yuri.

Flora meditated in the cabin, trying to focus on the wind elemental’s mind. But, whatever she saw, didn’t make sense. This elemental has seen strange things. Dwarves that chugged ale and sang songs while forging axes and guns. It blew through a sacred red tree that tall, beautiful elves worshipped by sitting in its shade. It has seen green, hulking orcs fight off huge beasts, and mankind too.

And those were only the familiar memories, strange people in tight, bright clothing flying atop buildings, and strange metal objects shooting through stars.

And a young-

*Knock knock*

Flora snapped out of her trance, hiding the wind elemental and fading her witch get up. She shoved the elemental behind the bookshelf. A clever idea that Dylan got from visiting a magic shop.

“Ah, you are, Jack, yes?” She asked, making sure her disguise was in tip top shape.

“Oh! So sorry, uh, Flora right?” Jack asked, his chipper tone still in full swing.

“Why yes, I am Flora. Do not worry, Liz filled me in while she fetched you a map.” Flora got into her groove, feeling it easier to converse.

“Oh, no worries, it’s just that I have a small question, ma’am.”

“Of course, I am happy to help.”

“Where is he?” Jack’s voice, while chipper, had a firm foundation suddenly.

“I’m, sorry?”

“Oh, of course.” Jack chuckled. “Vortex. I believe you’ve been keeping him here. And I want to know why.”

“Vortex…?” Flora’s nervousness was well shielded. But still there.

“Yeah.” Jack’s goofy grin became a stern thin line. “I’m not leaving without my friend.”

“I believe I don’t-“


Flora looked to her side, and the same white winged dove sat at the windowsill.



Flora’s green robes sprawled over her as she waved her hand, roots trying to latch on a Jack that wasn’t there. He sidestepped, and the dove took its opportunity to dart at Flora. She was momentarily stunned, trying to wave away the dove but not harm it.

Jack ran to the bookshelf, having understood the bird for some time now. He cranked it open, and he tore at the wood holding Vortex.

And as Flora gently caged the dove in a twig ball, a gust of air shot her out of the cabin. She lands a bit rough, but nonetheless gracefully recovers.

And where there was once a skinny camp volunteer, was now a cowboy. It appears that satchel held some essentials. He wore a brown hat brimmed up to the side, and his waist had a belt with a holster.

And he drew his black and white gun. It had strange symbols down the barrel, and it seemed to creak and groan ever so slightly.

“Alright lady. What’s the deal with your magic, huh? Got any- hey!”

Vortex blew in as a small dust devil, distracting them both. Once they were both inconvenienced, it settled down and innocently blew around Jack.

“Alright, I get it, just, worried, ok?” Jack soothed as the wind elemental puffed up his hat. He looks carefully at Flora.

“Good witch?”

“Hm… you sound just like Joy.” She mused, smoothing her robes down and straightening her witch hat.

“Sorry bout that, ma’am, just uh, last few mages to use wood were uh, not nearly as hospitable. Or kind, for that matter.” Jack apologized.

“So, you have also interacted with the magical?” Flora asked, her mentoring habits slowly returning.

“Oh yeah, and a lot more than that too. Life’s uh, been strange. Yeah. That’s the best way to put it.” Jack answered, “Ain’t even twenty yet I feel like I’ve earned my retirement benefits.”

Flora chuckled, like a tree doused by a light rain, “I see, young one.”

“Hey uh, if I’m to guess, Joy and her friends ain’t on some easy street camp adventure?”

Flora’s eyes saddened. “I am afraid not, and now, they have been sent on a meaningless errand. For I believe you would be a better answer to, him.” She motions to Vortex.

Jack’s face first melted into worry, but sharpened with a plan.

“Hey uh, got any uh, bendy trees round here?”

Chapter 7: Jaded!Jack


Reinforcements always come from the strangest places. And it seems that Dylan’s ventures might turn fruitful.


Jaded!Jack stuff oooooooooo

Chapter Text

Dylan led the squad throughout the edge of Sunvillerise, where the roads turned to dirt and the sidewalk ended in long grass and weeds.

“Dylan, remind me to have a talk with you about your, walks.” Joy said, following close behind. However, the rest of the squad followed their usual order, with Iris behind her and Liz at the back, with Kyle sandwiched between.

“Add it to the pile, sis, just please a bit further! I’m pretty sure the address said this way. At least, from what the paper he gave me said.” Dylan pleaded, digging in his pocket and squinting at the paper.

“Who is this guy, anyway? You haven’t been very clear at all. Even for you.” Kyle inquired.

“He’s got a point, little dude.” Followed Liz.

“On one hand, I trust Dylan met someone fine, but you two are right. Dylan, please give us a bit more pointers.” Soothed Iris.

“He’s cool guys. A bit mean, but, he’s alright. Kinda like you, sis!”

“Hey.” Joy bluntly replied.

“What? It’s true! Oh! There it is!” He races towards the house, the dirt road having a small branch heading to it. The others ran to catch up to him as he kicked up dust behind him.

The house was a small wooden cabin. Rather, it had the outward appearance of one. It seems whoever lived at the edges likes the true rustic side. At least the aesthetic.

Dylan knocked on the door, beaming ear to ear and slightly bouncing on his toes. Joy stood a bit closer to her brother, hand ready to grab him in case anything would go wrong. Iris stood dainty and politely, a small smile on her face. Kyle and Liz stood on either side of Iris, shielding the group from the back.

“Oh, who the hell is-“ The resident opened the door. He was scrawny and lanky, as if a pool noodle had joints. He wore jeans that had slight tears at the bottom of the legs and a plain gray undershirt covered his upper body. His skin was a healthy tan and his mouth was a thin line of tiredness. Well, the disheveled, short coal black hair also helped.

And the most prominent feature was his two gunmetal gray eyes piercing right at Dylan, his brow etched in irk and a palpable sense of ‘god damn it’.

He sighs heavily, and speaks.

“Kid. When I said you could visit. I meant YOU. Singular, you, yourself and alone. Mind telling me why you got a cosplay of cherry lipstick, her strawberry mismatch sister, who’s sandwiched between a creamsicle and ube flavored boba?” His voice was young and old at the same time. A young buck at the ripe age of 57, it seems. Funny that, since he barely looked 20.

“Hi Jack!” Dylan sang, not even phased as his friends and sister were just flabbergasted at their comparisons. “This is my sister Joy, and Iris is the mismatched one. Orange is Kyle, and Liz is, what’s ube?”

“Nevermind, kid.” Jack waved him off. “Well, since he dragged you all out here, might as well let you in. Come on.” Jack led them into the cabin. The gang followed inside, carefully. Joy and Kyle were suspicious, and Iris was the only one really smiling. Then again, Liz seemed on the defensive too. ‘Another adult. Yay.’ She thought.

The cabin opened up to a small lobby-like room in the front, with a small chair and piano facing the wall with the front window to its left. There was even a guitar too, resting at the piano’s side in a small stand. The right of them led to a small hallway. It opened up to the kitchen up first with its living room back half. The kitchen’s left had a small island in the middle, the right holding a dinner table. As for the living room, the cushioned seats sat facing a tv upon those little cabinets.

And the backdoor, rather, next to it, sat a medium sized dog kennel, with the unknown canine currently outside. And the other side hung a double barreled sawed off shotgun as well as other classical old west weaponry.

Dylan gasped with excitement, “You have a shotgun?! Can I-“

“Not in your life, kid. Now sit at the couch with your friends. I’ll be right there.” Jack opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle.

The gang sat on the couch. Dylan took the seat closest to the reclining seat that Jack would predictably sit. Joy sat right next to him, still on guard. Iris and Kyle squeezed together on the couch’s remaining room.

And Liz? Feet up and laying on her back in the smaller couch to the right of everyone.

“Alright, kid, normally this talk was gonna be a bit more simple. But since you dropped the whole gang on me, I figure this gonna be longer?” Jack plopped into the recliner, sipping his water.

“Mister, I can’t leave ‘em hanging. Please, it really is urgent.” Dylan seemed a bit more serious now.

“Yeah, something about magic, right?”

Joy caught wind of this, and immediately tried to shut it down.

“Hang on, why should we even trust you?”


“No, Dylan. All we know is that you two met, and that’s it. How do you even know my brother?” Joy got up, her protectiveness finally wore off her patience. Her honey brown eyes trying to pierce into the cold gray eyes of the boy.

“Kid? You ain’t tell ‘em yet?” It seems that Jack did not care, immediately just looking at Dylan.


“I’ll take that as a no. Heh, it’s a bit of a story, so-“

“Talk.” Joy was normally a lot more, polite. But her brother’s safety always brought out that side of her. The vicious, primal side.

“Well, little rat here was getting his ass beat. Was walking near the plaza, saw him cornered by some older kids. Part of a gang.”

“What?!” Joy now looked at Dylan, who just shrugged in his best defense.

“Well, er, you run into a lotta people on the streets, right?”

Iris looked worried, and Kyle even peeked at his med kit just in case. And Liz sat up a bit straighter. Dylan may not be her brother by blood, but no one messes with her devil on her shoulder.

“Yeah, hah.” Jack seemed to laugh it off as a fun pastime, “I saw it and well, couldn’t walk away. I forked them my wallet. Rather, the fake one. And they got pissy.”

“And then he kicked ass!” Dylan cheered, before quickly blushing at his language.

“Heh, yeah. That I did. And once we survived, the little dude wanted to stop by. Thing is, I’m surprised you held out on them this long.”

Joy just shot a look at Dylan. A stern, motherly look of ‘You are so grounded.’ But her look at Jack softened, and she sat back down.

“Anyways…” She simmered, “What did he say about magic?”

“That you guys are getting hounded by it. Didn’t say much.”

The group looked at each other, and decided to huddle first. They chose a far corner of the room, and spoke in whispers.

“I’m not so sure about him,” Kyle started, “He doesn’t seem like the best candidate. Plus, only one of us really knows him.”

“He’s got a point, Joy. Plus, he’s an adult living off the edges of this town. He barely relates to us at all. He might know magic but, that could just be that quack stuff or at best stuff like that magic store.” Liz spoke next.

“Perhaps, but he saved Dylan. And since he was willing to help on mundane matters, why can’t we trust him for the magical?” This was Iris, “He helped Dylan for no reason other than good will, and Dylan is only returning that kindness. Besides, Valerie looks roughly his age, and you trust her-“

“That ain’t the same, Iris.” Liz quietly barked.

“Guys. Just…” Joy breathed in a quick breath, and looked at Dylan. “Dylan. Do you trust him?”

“He saved me sis, why wouldn’t I? Plus, he’s kinda cool.” So sang Dylan’s simple, yet kind, heart. “Honest, Joy, he’s good. Please?”

Joy looked into his dark brown eyes. But where there was once scheming and immaturity, was a sincere brother trusting his sister to trust him back.

And she just put a hand on her brother’s shoulder, and squeezed.


And she turned to Jack, who was busy drinking the bottle dry.

“Alright, let’s talk.” She simply stated.

“So… let me get this straight.” Jack stood up and paced in front of the seats. “You two,” He points at Joy and Dylan, “had parents that originally owned a summer camp, which while is now owned by some wackass grandma, is also under siege by magical creatures that hate humans for reasons you don’t know yet. Despite well, traveling to each of the, ‘realms’, and running into two mentors, Flora and Val, right?”

“Pretty much”
“Spot on”

“Therapy. All of you.” Jack sighed “But for now, well, guess I get to bust out the toys.”

He walks up to the gun stand, eyeing his tools.

“I’ll meet you when I can. You’ll know by the scent of gunpowder and sarcasm. Now get out. I gotta plan.”

But his eyes widened as he felt a presence hug him, he looked down to his side.

“I knew I could count on you, mister!” Dylan said, looking up and pulling away. His eyes sparkling ever so slightly.

“Dylan, come on.” Joy called out, the rest of the group heading out in front of her.

Dylan gave Jack one last look of gratitude, before bolting behind his sister.

And Jack stood alone, and looked at his weapons. The word ‘magic’ brought a lotta memories back.

The good.
The bad.

And the personal.

And as Jack wrapped a holster around his waist and jammed a revolver down it, as he strung both a Winchester and that same barreled shotgun onto his back.

His gray eyes gleamed of determination and giddiness.

Chapter 8: Not much older now.


A little payoff for a small Easter egg here and there. And I believe you’ve seen these faces before. Oh yes, maybe from a different town, but you’ll still feel right at home when you recognize them.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The magic shop at Sunvillerise was a recent, but immediately beloved, addition to the town. It was dazzling, yet humble with its soft emerald green paint mixed with the usual gold, black and red of a magician’s cloak.

Especially true for Dylan and Joy Martins, who always stopped by for magical trinkets for the summer camp, or for themselves.

Or for pranks. Those too.

And when they visited, they were always happily greeted by the owner. She was a young woman, cheery and full of life. With light brown skin, dark hair, and brown eyes speckled with amber, she seemed to gracefully dance around the shop, her parade jacket flowing behind her. Whenever the children stopped by, her smile would brighten their day, always happy to give some advice on what magical item they were after.

“Oh! This wand is meant to store the everlasting handkerchief inside. This one instead shoots out sparks, like what my father has! Ooooo! And this one can make things levitate.” She would say, but without any drawl of a tv ad.

“My favorite part of magic? The spectacle! Because no matter what, effort is always involved, and the challenge makes it worth it for the magician. Then again, no one else has a set of lucky lock picks such as I. Not even my idol, Houdini!”

The two kids loved to just sit and listen to the lady talk. But she wasn't the only one available.

“Dylan?” Joy called out, “Where are you?”

“Boo!” Dylan yelled, from a cloud of smoke. As Joy reeled back and playfully pouted, she saw smoke bombs in his hands.

“Carter,” the woman playfully scolded, “Did you give him those?”

“Hey now sis, you’re not the only one who can pull a trick.” The young man, with blonde hair and light blue eyes while in a white shirt and suspenders, simply gave his sister a wink as he too seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Besides, Leila, you and I both know the little man has been eyeing my stuff for a while. He wants all the sneaking and spooking.”

Leila playfully rolls her eyes, and soon looks at the two kids.

“Well now, I assume you both have what you need?”

Joy nodded, and Dylan bounced up and down. And as the former paid and led her brother out, she thanks the two.

“Thanks Ms. Vernon! You two, Mr. Locke!”

And they went on their way, satisfied once again by Vernon’s Magic Shop, Purveyors of the Impossible.


Just had to do a small magic misfits bit.

Chapter 9: The smell of burnt magic in the morning


Jack’s back into the fray, but rocky starts dot his way throughout camp.


Jack interactions hard as hell bruh

Chapter Text

‘Hug prolly meant nothing…’ Jack’s mind was quick to try and shove Dylan’s gratitude out of his heart. Too bad, as it honestly felt good to be even considered worthwhile. Even if only for a moment, the cynic felt a small smile tug at his face while he put on his brown leather jacket.

‘Forget it, let’s just see what he and those kids want out of me, then I can go back to life, I guess.’ He tightened the ammo belt around his waist as he straightened out his two crossdraw holsters. His right hand plucks a classic colt 45, giving it a twirl before holstering it to his right. His left hand, while eager for a Lemat, ultimately fell in line with a second colt 45. Both of these guns were dull silver with a red wooden handle, snugly hanging on his waist. He slings the double barreled shotgun over his shoulder.

The rifle? Eh, a forest sounds too close quarters. He doesn’t need to get clotheslined by his own gun.

“Mars!” He ordered as he opened the back door, and a dark furred mut entered the house. The dog looked up to his friend, and simply wagged his tail and panted from being in the summer heat.

“Come on. We riding out.” Jack led his furry friend to the side of the cabin. There was a peculiar object leaning on the wall under tarmac.

And as Jack tossed the tarmac aside, a black hog with a sidecar revealed itself. He sits his dog in the sidecar, with a little helmet and goggles.

But for himself? Jack can die any day, so he whips out some goggles for himself and revs the engine. He races off the dirt and onto the pavement, driving down the road towards the Refuge of Dreams.

It was early in the morning, though the rising sun was hidden by gracious clouds. Leaving a breezy ride for the two hogriders. And as the wind blew, Jack’s mind began to wander.

‘Should I really be doing this? I haven’t, well, handled magic in a while. Not ever since…’

‘Get over yourself. You want a fight? You’re getting one! Who cares? It’s not like those idiots back at-‘

‘It doesn’t matter, does it? Look, these guys need my-‘

‘Urge to kill. Probably. That’s how it’s been for a while…’

“AAAAHHh…!” Jack just angrily exclaimed to no one at all, just a young angry flame trying to burn itself to ash.

Oh well. He made it.

He hopped off his bike, and helped his dog remove the accessories. The dog meanwhile paced off to relieve himself. Jack instead walked up to the camp, to finally see what the trouble was about.

And, well, he gotta admit, the camp looked pretty nice.

The sign was a beautiful overgrowth of sorts, inviting the visiting children to adventures that laid ahead. Further in, he saw the cabins ordered neatly to the left and right, with one of them arrow signs in the middle.

“Let’s see… lake, archery, counselors…”

“Um… excuse me?” A small voice asked.

“What the hell?” Jack turned around, and squinted “Iris? Is that a disguise?”

“Oh!” The voice cried out, “No, but I hear that we have similar hair. A lot, actually.” The voice instead belonged to a boy around Joy’s age. But he did not have Joy’s stern glare nor her grieving strength, but instead a frail soul clinging to a journal.

“So… not Iris.”

“N-no, I’m Yuri. Yuri Rose. Uh, are you Jack? Dylan told me someone like uh, you would appear…”

“Guess so. Well, where are they? Can’t be here forever-“

“Um… well… they usually don’t get here until later. It is still early, sir…”

“First off, call me Jack, I ain’t earn ‘sir’. Second, of course Dylan would flake me out on schedule. Little rat bastard…”

“Well, I could maybe fill you in? I *gasp* is that a dog?!” Yuri exclaimed, suddenly energetic.

“Wha- Mars!” Jack yelled, “Come here, and sit.”

“Mister, can I pet the-“

“I will drag you down that lake by your eye sockets.”

Yuri suddenly reeled back in terror. “Huh?!”

But Jack smirked “Just kidding. But hey, leave my dog be.”

“Ok…” Yuri sadly sighed

“Trust me kid, Dylan’s sad eyes ain’t worked-“

“It’s not that… I… I had a dog once…”

Jack’s heart was doing that sad thing he hated. And try as he might, emotions were like a drug that his heart desperately needed.

“What happened?”

“Well… my grandma’s allergic and-“

“Wait wait, grandma? You’re the grandkid Dylan talked about?”


A few of Jack’s gears in his head began to crank, but nothing yet.

“Hey kid. Let’s talk near the lake. Might as well spend the time worth somethin.”

“You’re not gonna drown me right?”

“You’re like a toothpick, you’d float even if I tried. Mars. Come.”

Jack sat at the lake, his gray eyes glossing over the lake’s cloudy reflection. To his left, sat his loyal doggo. And to his right? A nervous bean.

“Tell me about your grandma.”

“Oh! Well, she’s polite, very formal, and always wants what is best for me. Even if she’s a bit, old fashioned, I know she loves me and-“

“Hey kid. Cut the sh*t. Dylan said a lot different.”

“… he did… didn’t he?”

“Yeah. And judging by that reaction, no one, not even you, believe what you just said about your grandma. So spill.”

“… I mean… I think she loves me, it’s just… she’s… controlling. It’s always… it’s always her way. And, sometimes she’s mean… when it’s not her way…” Yuri hugged himself a bit as he talked.

Jack listened intently, and while outwardly it looked like he didn’t give a sh*t, on the inside…

Was a boiling cauldron of ignited rage. And as time passed and the sun grew hot, so did he. Considerably.

“-and she’s, she’s even trying to alienate my friends now, making me choose, or, just trying some crazy camp punishments and rules now… it’s not!”

“It’s not what?” An elderly, but curt, voice rang.

“G-grandma…” Yuri panicked as he stood up and looked behind him. Jack just sat where he was. Listening. Closely.

“Oh, never mind me dear…” Emily lulled, “I was just doing my rounds, since someone appeared to be slacking on his own duties. What have I taught you, dear? Responsibility and order go a long way for a prosperous life. How do you think I’ve gotten this far, hm? Certainly not fraternizing with loiterers. For shame, dear. I have certainly raised you-“

“He got it the first time.” Jack bluntly interrupted, he started to stand up, and as he looked Emily in the eye, he felt nothing but contempt for her.

“Despite the lack of your input’s necessity,” Emily dismissively replied, “I suppose introductions-“

“Can go right up your ass.” Jack snarled, as Yuri looked at him in a panic. “Save it miss, for the sake of my ears. And everyone’s dignity.”

Emily’s eyes barely sharpened in a glare. And while they did look over her impudent grandson, the stranger was certainly new. And worse, an obstacle.

“I suppose you know my grandson?” She asks, with dwindling civility.

“Like, a few minutes ago.” Jack looked at Yuri, then back to her. “Got a lot going for him. Good kid.”

“You best be going… it would be unfortunate to-“

“JACK!” Dylan’s voice rang. He runs past the old hag and up to Jack, “You’re really here, mister!”

“And you’re lucky I stayed. If it wasn’t for sad sack here I would’ve been long gone.” Jack looked down at Dylan as he shot a thumb at Yuri.

“Thanks Yuri! Come ooooon, you gotta help us!” Dylan began to grab at Jack’s hand, leading him to the treehouse.

Emily meanwhile shot a withering look at her grandson, but before she could do anything, a whistle blew out.

“Mars!” The dog got up and wagged its tail. “Watch him.” Jack points at Yuri.

Mars immediately runs up to Yuri, pawing up and down and reaching for kisses. Emily could only look on in disgust, and as she walked away, her chin descended from pompously up, to a simmering downward angle of frustration.

“God, this place is cramped.” Jack complained as he was shoved into the treehouse and onto Dylan’s bean bag. The boy also snuggles with the older, now sardine canned, fool.

“Well, we normally have ‘kids’ here.” Liz spat, earning a mild arm slap from Joy.

“Look, we need your help on something very serious, ok?” Joy said, “Something in the forest has been really hounding us. Something dangerous.”

“And none of us have been able to get a clear sign on what it is.” Kyle worriedly added.

“Yes, and we’ve all had close calls.” Iris now wilted slightly.

“Five pairs of eyes and y’all ain’t seen sh*t?!” Jack exclaimed.

“Hey! You try to see something while running for your life!” Joy countered.

“You obviously do if you know where to go- alright whatever, just, where have you encountered this, thing?” Jack shot off but recovered.

“Everywhere, mister, it’s like that hag running camp!” Shouted Dylan.

“Hah!” Jack laughed.

“Dylan!” Joy scolded.

“Dylan…” Iris lightly reprimanded.

“Not cool dude.” Kyle added

“Eh, lil dude’s got a point.” Liz admitted.

As they left the treehouse, Jack got to talking again as he was the last one to drop from the wooden ladder.

“Well, since we all can’t agree, I guess I’m just gonna have to tag along. But first…” Jack lights a cigarette, and inhales and breathes out like a retired dragon.

“Hey!” Shouted the kids.

“Shut it. It helps me destress.” But Jack was only telling half of the truth, his eyes had a small ring glow around them, and it finally grew after all this time.

“Ok, sis that’s kind of cool-“

“Dylan. So help me if I EVER catch you with cigarettes.” Joy coolly warned.

“So! Lead the way, rats.”

As the group walked along the forest trail, Jack actually walked off to the side next to Dylan. Everyone else kept their eyes and ears peeled, while Jack just sauntered through as if it was a discount nature walk.

“What do I look for?”

“Jack, you’ll, you’ll hear us and see us panic. Just, run in the opposite direction.” Joy hushed.

Jack’s eyes aimed downwards to the ground, and his eyes widened upon a similar symbol…


“Guys. Head back.” He ordered.

“But you need my-“


Joy just frustratingly sighed as she led her group away.

“You know what you’re doing?”

“Kid. Go.”

Jack watched as the kids raced away. And as his eyes laid upon a bird with white burning eyes…

He knew the forest was about to ignite.


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Fandomnesia_is_filling_my_brain and Mayzi33left kudos on this work!


Refuge of Dreams Stuff - Ackarcue (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6191

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.